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{fuyuhiko pov.}

{the same day.}

she woke up.

she fucking woke up.

i grabbed some pain killers and water and ran over to her.

she looked at me,"y-young master...?" she tried to sit up.

i gently pushed her back down,"here, take these,"i feed her the pain killers and the water.

she looked around,"w-where am i?"

"you're safe, no one is going to hurt you."

"everything hurts."

"i know, that's why i gave you the pain killers."

she nods. i sit next to her and smile slightly,"young ma-"

"peko, please stop calling me young master, it's fuyuhiko."

"oh, fuyuhiko, why are you smiling?"

"i'm happy peko, i'm happy," she nods.

after a few moments hajime and byakuya leave the room.

and a few moments after that, hajime comes back with a tablet,"fuyuhiko, come look at this," he calls out to me.

i look at peko and she nods. i stand up and go over to him,"yeah hajime."

he shows the tablet into my hands,"look."

i give him a look, unlock the tablet, and begin looking through it,"this has-."

"everything about everyone and the island."

he takes the tablet pulls up something,"look," he shows me.

"it's the vitals of mikan, ibuki, and hiyoko."

suddenly mahiru walks in with sonia and souda following her,"what about hiyoko?"

we turn towards,"um, her vitals-" hajime start but i cut him off,"what's he is trying to say is that she might fucking wake up soon."

she smiles,"seriously?"

hajime and i both nod. she smiles and goes over to hiyoko pod and sits down next to it.

souda and sonia look at hajime and i confused. hajime started to explain when i saw her get up. i tapped hajime on his shoulder, gestured to her, and walked over to her.

"peko, what are you doing?" i ask, worried

"i-i wanted to get up and apologize," she looks over at mahiru and sighs.

"how 'bout you do this later, let's go to the cottages," i wrap an arm around her waist and we go to her cottage.

we make it to her cottage,"here's yours."

"where is yours?"

i point to mine across the way,"mine's right there."

i look up at the sky,"hey peko, it's getting late, i'm gonna turn in for the night," i turn away from her and begin walking to my cottage.

"young ma-, fuyuhiko," she calls out to me.

i turn back and look at her,"yes peko."

she smiles softly,"thank you and good night," she goes inside her cottage.

i smirk and walk inside my cottage. i go to the bathroom, take a shower, brush my teeth, and put on my pajamas. after that, i flopped on my bed and thought.

this girl is going to be the death of me.

{ word count: 480 }

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