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{the next day, in the evening}

{hajime's pov}

it's the day of the party.

all of us, in the same room.

for the first time in a few months.

yes i know we were all in the pods together, that doesn't count.

as i am standing in front of my mirror while messing with my tie, those thoughts and then some swirling around my head.

suddenly, a pair of lanky arms stretch around me, hugging my waist,"hajime, you okay?" nagito rested his head on my shoulder.

"i'm just nervous," i still fidget with my tie, but rest my head against his head.

we all decided to wear our old uniform from the game, it was only right.

"it's going to be okay, all of us put what we had behind us," he kisses my cheek.

oh yeah, a few weeks ago nagito and i started dating, we decided to keep things slow.

he pulls away from me and walks over to the night stand, opening the drawer, and pulling out his prosthetic hand,"you ready to go?"

i nod softly and walks over to door. nagito joins me at the, i hold his hand, and we're off.

{time skip brought to you by komahina, don't come for the ship man}

we're a few hours into the party, and it's great.

everyone seems older and more mature, even hiyoko. apparently mahiru was tired of hiyoko belittle and treating everyone like shit so she tore her a new one, and she's actually okay to be around now. she does have her occasional outburst but it's way better now.

everyone also looked older, mahiru's hair is now to her shoulder and sonia decided to cut her hair to her shoulders, with the help of gundham and souda she also added a few color highlights in her hair. nekomaru looks a bit thinner, but that's what spending months in a pod does to your body. and peko is still very protective of fuyuhiko, but they are dating now so i would assume so.

suddenly, souda yelling snapped me out of my thoughts,"hey looks, it's the future foundation guys!"

everyone turned and looked, and there they were byakuya, kyoko, and two other people we didn't know, and makoto wasn't there weird.

"you guys hosted a party without us?" a dude with big hair started talking.

"all right folks, circle it up, it's toasting time," souda called out and started to dish out red solo cups for everyone.

once everyone had a cup and circled up, souda started speaking,"let's give a toast to those guys right there," he points to the future foundation members,"without those guys, we wouldn't be here right now! so let's give a toast!"

we lift up our cups until a voice called out,"got any left?"

we all turned around and i dropped my cup,"chiaki?"

{author note: wow, me, actually updating all of my stories in one night, absolutely bonker man. also how do we feel about chiaki joining the roster?}

{word count: 507}

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