Ice Pop

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TW: They almost cuss

Roman and Patton walked in, hands linked together. Patton waved at both Logan and Virgil. "Watcha watchin'?" Patton asked, taking a seat beside Virgil. "Documentary," both responded without looking away from the television. Roman leaned over Patton and waved a hand in front Virgil, who hissed and shuffled closer to Logan.

"Did he just hiss at me?"

"Kiddos, how about we turn off the TV, hmm?" Patton asked, reaching for the remote.

"NO!" Both shouted, scrambling for the remote that Patton had tossed to Roman. He quickly turned it off, tossing it towards kitchen. Logan scoffed at him, hugging a whimpering Virgil. "Was that really necessary?" He asked, sending a pointed glare at both Roman and Patton.

Virgil sat up, stretching and  sighing. "It's fine. We had to talk again anyways, right? We can just finish it later tonight."

"You hissed at me-"

"You two will not be watching that tonight. Y'all are pretty addictive, and I know you both have to work tomorrow," Patton finished, walking to the kitchen and picking up the thrown remote.

"But it's the ocean Pat-"

"No buts."

"Patton surely you can concede this one time-"

"No buts. Now sit so we can talk," Patton said, pointing at the couch. "He's such a dad," Virgil murmured, sitting down on the couch. Slowly Patton looked at Virgil, and Virgil would always swear that Patton's eyes were shining a violent blue. "What."

Both Logan and Virgil shook their head. "Nothing," they said in unison. "Great," Patton replied, smiling as if he didn't look as if he were about to kill them. "Now I believe, Virgil, that you had some more questions about the other night."

Virgil nodded. "So-uh, you guys had said that you were going to apprehend a villain? What did you mean?" During this he had seemed to shuffle away from Logan. Logan nodded, though, it was easy to see the moment of hurt flash across his face.

"Uh, yes, do you know of the team Vigilantes?" Logan asked, rubbing his glasses on a piece of cloth.

Of course Virgil knew of the Vigilantes. He was a part of the Vigilantes. His uncles were a part of the Vigilantes. He nodded, avoiding any eye contact.

"Well, we have reason to believe they are associated with the recent robberies and other crimes. I have taken cameras-"

"You took the cameras?"

"I 'borrowed'  the cameras from the surrounding areas the crimes have been and have caught snippets of the Vigilantes watching the crime in progression. Observing it, if you will," Logan finished, flattening his hands on his lap, giving off the image of perfect and pristine.  He glanced at Virgil to see how he was taking it.

Virgil slowly looked at all his roommates, strange to think, but he had begun to see them as friends. But they believed that the Vigilantes were evil, a menace to society. But he was part of the Vigilantes, so was he a bad guy? A villain? A criminal with nothing better to do than to watch the world burn-

"Kiddo, you seem stressed," Patton said. He sat on the couch and enveloped  him in a small hug. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah," Virgil wrapped his arms around figurative dad's middle, noticing the small flinch Patton did. He released him and started to mess with his jeans. "I guess that was really it. I mean, I don't really have any other questions-"

"Can we show you?" Roman bouncing on the heels of his feet. "It would be a delight to release all this burning energy in my chest," he tapped his chest for reference, "and I think it would be a marvelous way to show you what we can do!"

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