The Rescue

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TW: There's a whole lot of cussing. Be safe!

"Joan!" Logan ran full speed into their base. "Virgil's been captured and I need your help. We need to get Roman and Thomas-"

"Okay, dude. Calm the eff down. There's a whole lotta shit going on and I can't focus," Joan said, typing in a couple of coordinates. "Patton has been kidnapped too, actually. Roman's already on his way here and I've texted Thomas and Virgil's fun uncles."

"You know them?"

Joan nodded. "They're cool people. Anyways, I think I know where they are, it's just gonna take a fucks load to get them out," Joan huffed. "It was supposed to be my night off." Logan sat there, stunned that this wasn't worrying Joan as much as it should be. He shook his head. He needed to calm down. Virgil would be fine. Patton would be fine.

"Joan, Joan!" He heard the infamous prince call as he ran into their base. "Patton! He's gone-"

"I know, Roman. We're finding him," Joan said, spinning around and giving Roman's hand a quick squeeze. "Virgil was kidnapped too. It's gonna take a whole lotta manpower to get in their."

Roman sat down next to Logan. "He had said he wanted fresh air. I should have went with him. It's my fault. It's all-" Logan placed a hand on Roman's shoulder.

"It is not your fault. This was planned. We could have done nothing to stop it." Logan stood and moved over to their weaponry. He was keeping his anger in check. Waiting for the right moment to release it, but he couldn't lose his cool now, not when desperately needed him.

"Hey, babes," Remy called as he walked in. "I got Starbies!" Thomas and Emile followed him in, rolling their eyes at the coffee-lover. "Now, what's the problem, babes?"

"Virgil was kidnapped." Logan was still trying to force the words out of his mouth before light blue lightning had been slung out of Remy's fingertips. "Who is the bastard?" All the coffee laid on the floor forgotten.

It was like watching a transformation. Someone who was so carefree instantly turned into a demonic middle age man. Logan sighed, picking up to flame bracelets and a wooden sword. "Roman, I fixed up your sword, and we don't know who took them, but what we do know is that we have to get to them before any real harm is done." But how was the question. They don't even know who has them. His eyes filled with anger and frustration. How?

"I believe I know who has them," Emile whispered. Stray tears were left on his cheek. "Deceit."

Remy threw flashing light at the wall. "GODDAMMIT DIESEL!" He could feel the air around him prickling.

"Who's Deceit?"Thomas whispered. "Will Virgil be okay? What about Patton? Whey are they?" Thomas' eyes flashed a dangerous green. "They can't take my brother. I just got him back!" He shouted. Logan stood, enveloping Thomas in a hug.

"Save your anger. You'll need it. Joan, do you have anything?"

Logan looked to the screen on the wall. They nodded. "Yeah we have a signal from Patton! Their warehouse!" They jumped up, running towards the weaponry. "Here, Lo." They handed him small knives on a belt. "You can throw these telepathically or whatever you use. Roman, put on those bracelets and they'll help you aim your fire. And, uh, I really don't have anything for you three."

"It's fine," Remy growled. Emile placed a hand on Remy's shoulder and nodded. "Thanks, Joan."

Roman pulled the bracelets on his wrists, then clipped the wooden sword on his waist. "I'm coming, Patton," he whispered. "I'll never leave you." His eyes clouded with grief. He needed to save Patton. He needed Patton, he couldn't see a world without him. Then there was Virgil. Maybe they weren't exactly the best of friends, but they were close to it, and he couldn't imagine a morning without the embodiment of a grumpy shadow. "We'll save you both."

Logan pulled of his favorite blue hoodie and handed it Thomas as he, Thomas, pulled of his torn suit jacket. "Okay, let's go," Logan said as they walked out. He breathed in, feeling the cold air punctuate his lungs. Logan climbed onto an ordinary motorbike. "Everyone follow me in that care," he said as he pulled up a map on his watch. "We got this."


I know, it's really short. Don't worry, there's more.

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