Almost There

428 29 7

TW: Fluff, curse word

Virgil's POV:

In, out, in, out. That's how consciousness was treating me. In and out. Sometimes I'd wake up from hearing Patton grunt as he struggled to carry my weight on his back. Other times I'd wake on the cold floor while Patton made another wall of ice.

This time though, this was different.

Patton's tired grunts and shuffling feet turned into a small squeal and half running.

I peeled opened my eyes to see someone standing near him. They had a sweater vest on and glasses that reflected Patton's.

They had something to him, taking me away from. I immediately struggled, but Patton kissed my forehead and whispered something in my ear. I assume it was peaceful because my whole body relaxed.

The new man carried me in his arms bridal style. I watched as he ran, so fast, it seemed the world was blurring together. If the world was to only consist of gray walls and damp nightmares, that is.

Someone else was holding me now. Not the sweater-vest man, that's for sure. I could feel my anxiety rising, pushing against my pain and suffering.

I focused on the his red emblem. A golden drawn castle in it. It's beautiful.

I closed my eyes. Who was to believe the world was beautiful?

I was being laid down on the cold hard floor again. This time, however, someone was pressing there hands on my abdomen. There hands were cold too. Robotic in away.


Who was that? My panic attack must've been bad. I can barely recognize my own name.

"Can... respond?"

Ah, there it was again. That voice. Fading in and out, in and out, in and out. A figurative Sisyphean nightmare. I kinda like it here. In my mind, I mean.

"Kiddo? Wa.... up!"

Patton? This was hard. Too many people. I could feel it. I wish they would leave me be. Trapped in my own mind. I suppose I use the word trapped loosely.

No Diesel. No Remus. No superhero work. No powers.

"... Emo... mare?"

I have no strings to hold me down. To lift me up. To make me frown...

Someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes. Patton was sitting above me, cradling me in his arms.

"Dad?" I could hear the cracks and breaks in my voice.

"Oh my goodness, Kiddo!" He pulled me tighter against him.

I didn't mind.

I wrapped my own arms around him. "Dad," I breathed, letting the word consume me.

I could hear a faint sigh of relief around me. Another pair of arms enveloped me in a hug.

"I was so scared that I'd lost you again after just getting you back and-"

I pulled Thomas into the hug too. He need it.

"I'm sorry, Thomas," I whispered in his ear. So much worry over little old me.

He looked at me. Brown eyes flashing a subtle green. "You aren't... apologizing for getting kidnapped, are you?" He asked timidly.

I stretched out of his and Patton's grip, carefully peeling them off.

"I guess I am-"

Someone cut me off. A body, more specifically. Their arms wrapped around my waist, their head buried in my shoulder.


This was a little more than surprising. A blush swooped onto my cheeks as he continuously mumbled, "Thank God. Thank God."

I held him close. I personally didn't want to let go. He lifted his head. He was clearly a good inch taller than me.


He pressed his lips against mine. Soft was the first word that I would describe it. Comforting would be the second. It seemed to drag me out of whatever state I was in.

I kissed him back.

He tasted like Crofters, in all honesty. I didn't mind.


Logan's POV:

My mind lagged behind my body as it lunged towards Virgil. I needed to reassure myself that he was here. That he was real.

My arms wrapped around his wait as I pulled him towards me and pressed my head into his shoulder.

He was real.

I felt tears run trail my face as I lifted my head after saying a chorus of "thank God". His violent violet eyes were truly beautiful. I felt myself moving forwards, connecting our lips together.

We pulled away, both of us clearly blushing. I watched the red spread across his cheeks. His eyeshadow smeared across his face. To me, he'd never been more beautiful.

I pulled him close again. "C'mon, let's go."

"Ah, Ah, Ah. Now you wouldn't think it'd be that easy, did you?" A voice drawled sickly.





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