Ch. 1-Back at it Again

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Max's P.O.V.
I arrived at Camp Campbell and immediately saw David raising the Campe Diem flag. I roll my eyes and sigh, kissing my phone goodbye to another summer of this camp. "I dont know why Im still coming here. I could pretend I'm going to this hell then run away to somewhere else!" I yell at myself.

David looks to see me in the bus and runs up to it,"Max! Welcome b- AAHHHHH!" He screams as the bus hits him head on and runs over him.

The bus parks and I get out to see David pick himself up slowly and dust himself off. "As I was saying, hello, Max! Welcome back! Nice surpise to see you back again!" I roll my eyes,"Whatever, its not surpising I'm back, dumbass."

I push past him and lean on the flag pole, pulling my hands in my hoodie pocket and running my hand on Mr. Honeynuts fur.

David rolls his eyes and smirks,"Language!" Another bus pulls in and hits David from behind, making him scream again like a goat.

Kids came off the bus one by one. Nerris, Ered, Harrison, Other Neil aka Space kid, Dolf, other kids, but I didnt see Nikki or Neil. I frowned a little and looked down, squeezing Mr. Honeynuts. I wanted Neil to be here really bad.

Someone touched my shoulder and I looked up to see Neil,"Hey, Neil. How was hell with your dad?" He shrugs,"Like you'd think, hell. It got annoying when Nikki's mom spent all her time at our house. Nikka wasnt able to come to camp this year."

I nod, not really caring too much that she couldn't come. David slowly pulls out his guitar and Gwen walks out of the mess hall, glaring at him, making him put it back. "Well fine, but Im still gonna sing it! Theres a place I know thats tucked away, a place where you and I can stay! Max, sing it with me!"

I groaned and think then start to sing,"What is that I see over there? Its a loser with stupid red hair! David's the worse one here! I'd rather die than- uh continue to stay at camp....Dammit, I need to work on that." Neil laughs a little and David looks a little frustrated but smiles,"Well, not what I expected but good to know you're getting into the mood!" I growl at his positivity.

David's P.O.V.
I was glad to see Max so upbeat! "Well, eat some breakfast, campers! Gwen will stay to watch you while I go get the mail!" I say in my cheery voice. I was in such a good mood to have almost all my campers back!

I hummed the camp song to myself and danced a little while skipping to the inbox. I grab all the mail in it and skip back to the counselor cabin,"Guys and gals, its true. Camp Campbell is the place for me and you..."

I walk in and see Gwen reading a magazine. She jumps a little then sighs,"Quarter Master is watching the kids." I nod and hand Gwen the letters from the mail and I open the bag that was in the mail that was signed to me. I take out my prescriptioned pills, F-R-I-E-N-D pills that I take and put them in my nightstand.

I put my hands on my hips and smile at her as Gwen goes through the letters then pauses on one. She looked confused and I watched her undo the envelope, reading the print. She looks shocked then slowly turns to me,"D-David...You've gotta r-read this."

My smile fades a tiny bit and I grab the letter, reading it carefully.

"Dear Camp Campbell.

As of this summer, Max is being put up for adoption as we no longer want him and want to take care of him.
He isnt aware of this decision and he has brought all his belongings with his to camp.
We didnt have time to tell him about going up for adoption.
Once the summer ends, DHS has informed us that they will be picking him up.
I can't stand the child and his behavior. Good luck with him.

The parents of Max Patel,
Karen and Aarav Patel."

I stare at the letter in disbelief. I knew his parent didn't care about him a lot but abandoning Max? How could they?!

A tear rolled down my cheek and I holded up the letter, putting it in my pocket. I look out the window and see Max smirk a little at Neil. He seemed happy...I just wish that he could pause that way.

I add to the "Times Max smiled" counter to two times he'd smiled and quickly took out my pills, taking a few. "David...are you ok?" Gwen asked.

I looked down,"We have to make Max as happy as possible...I just wish we could make him happy forever..."

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