Ch. 4-Shut it down

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Max's P.O.V.
I woke up the next day and decided I'd just not talk to anyone. Of course, thats doesnt work with David's fucking mouth. He always has something to say.

I quickly ate breakfast then I was handed another tray of food by Gwen,"The fuck? I dont need another tray." She forcefully gave it to me and took the empty tray. Neil sat next to me and whispered,"Im sorry about yesterday. I was just concerned. I asked David to give you extra food but I refused to tell him why. You can blame that on me."

I sighed, not really wanting to be tough and rude right now. "Look, Neil. It's fine. I dont want to blame you. Its like only you really give a shit about me anyway. So it doesnt matter."

Even with the second tray, I still was done before everyone else since I had been so hungry.

3rd Person P.O.V.
Max sighed and leaned up again Neil, tired. Neil blushed a little and was about to put his arm around the smaller boy but quickly put his arm back down.

David popped up behind the two and they quickly parted, Max stabbing his fork into the table,"Hey, the fuck?!" David put a smile on his face,"Today, campers, we'll do theatre camp!" Neil groaned and his blush disappeared,"So the same as last year..." David looked a little disappointed but quickly left it.

Preston jumped up on the table and put his hand on his chest, dramatically posing,"Today is great! My love for theatre has come once again! Now, you little shit better listen and play your part!" Space Kid clapped while Nurf looked annoyed and slowly pulled out his knife.

David grabs Preston and sets him down on the floor,"Lets go, campers!" Nerris grabs Preston's arm and she drags him out to the stage, David following.

Neil takes Max's hand for a second then lets go, blushing,"O-Oh! Sorry! I-I didnt mean t-to do that..." Max shrugs and then walks ahead on of him. Neil watches him go as he notices a bright white, spotted scar run down his neck with bruises around it. He started to worry again,"Fuck, does he even get scars and bruises there?" It was only visable to Neil for a second before Max's hood shifted and covered them back up again.

Neil realises he's the only one left in the mess hall and walks out to the stage where Preston and Nerris are already acting, Nerris swinging a sword around. Harrison was messing with Nurf.

Neil walked over to the tall stage and watched them perform and mess around, not noticing Max creeping toward them from beside the curtain. Once he was spotted, Neil stared at him until he realised what he was gonna do.

Max took one of the bombs and lit it, throwing at Nerris and Preston's feet. It blows up and Harrison quickly turns around, panicking. "NERRIS!" He yelled and used his magic to stop her from hitting the ground. Preston smacked onto the ground and a little crack was heard before he started screaming bloody murder, sounding like a screaming goat. Nurf was about to stab Preston before David stopped him,"Nurf, what in the heck are you doing?" "Ending his suffering," he said in a low voice. Max snickered and tried to hold down actually laughter, biting his lower lip. Harrison released his magic and Nerris landed on Preston's crotch, quickly getting off of him. Preston squealed in pain and rolled away, off a cliff.

David watched then said,"Welp, gotta go get him! Stay here, campers!" He ran off, down a path to go get the boy. Max laughed,"Damn, that was fun. I wonder if Preston is dead though."

Neil sighed and sat up on the stage, Max scooting over to him. "Thanks, Neil, for the bombs again. Their play was getting annoying." He chuckled at the smaller boy and looks down,"No problem, I had a good feeling at they would come in handy." "Yeah, but Im kinda surpised David wasnt mad at me. I dont know. He just never seems to change, just always too happy," Max growled. Neil put his hand on Max's and gave him a comforting smile.

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