Ch. 8-Listen to Me

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Max's P.O.V.

After the bombs exploded, you'd think Daniel would be dead. Uh, nope. Somehow, he lived. I don't fucking know how, but it isn't that strange since David gets run over and lives. I bet it's their too peppy attitudes that keep them living.

Half of Daniel's face was bloody and ripped apart. He tried to sit up while I grabbed the collar of his shirt. "What do you want, brat?" He growled at me.

I held my stomach and scoffed,"Pathetic. You really thought your plan would work, huh? Thought you could steal everyone from me? I live, bitch. I will always live and save the people I care about. You really are a ducking moron." Daniel snickered and slapped my hand away,"And you really are a fucking retard. I know everything about you, Max. I especially know the places to dig a knife into."

He ran his jagged knife along my check and I barely let out a flinch. "I can read you easily. How you care for Gwen, you cling to David, you love Neil. It's just what I do, I make people see their opportunities in life. You can still join us, Max. Blowing off my face is just...a minor setback."

I shook my head and rubbed my temple, flat out pissed. "I can make you. Neil is pretty short but I can cut him down to size for you." He gently wrapped his hand around the back of Neil's neck. Anger filled me.

My face showed the disgust I felt towards him and tried not to seem scared,"Just leave this fucking camp, we'd never join it anyways." "I could think otherwise. You underestimate me."

I growl and kick him in the legs, making him fall to the ground again and I quickly pushed Neil out of his grasp.

Quickly grabbing his knife, I jabbed it into his leg and twisted it,"You're the worst person I've ever met and that's saying a lot cuz I've met a lot of people. I haven't seen you in a year but, if I could, I'd fucking run you over with a car."

"You pathetic child, you think you can stop me?" At that, I twisted the jagged knife more,"Listen to me, Listen to me, listen me!" Daniel winced and tried to put out the blade. "I had to deal with you less than year but every day, I lived in fear! And I thought you were get rid of the people I love like my mom and, it turns out, I WASNT COMPLETELY WRONG!"

"LISTEN TO ME, LISTEN TO ME, LISTEN TO ME!" Neil grabbed my shoulder and tried to pull me back, but I smacked his hand away. I got down on my knees and began punching Daniel over and over in the face.

I screamed and yelled, unable to stop myself at this point. I felt someone touch my shoulder but just continued, I couldn't hear anyone anymore. Suddenly, I got pulled back with a lot of force and I fell backwards, grabbing my shoulder in pain. What was going on anymore? "....-a...-ax?
.....-Ax! Max! Max, are you alright?!"

I looked up to see David then down at my hands, they were bloody. "Max, can you hear me?" I nodded and tried to dart at Daniel, but he restrained me. "David, you moron! Let me at him-" "This isn't going to help anything if you kill him!" He yelled back, surprise he finally actually yelled at me.

I scoff and glared at the albino doubles,"Leave. Get your asses up and leave this camp or I will fucking kill you." A beaten up, bloody Jen stood up and pulled Daniel up with her.

"We're leaving then," she said and started helping Daniel walk away down the road. I sigh in relief as they pass us. David let go of me and stared at the forest,"That was smart to make a smoke signal, Max. I'm sorry I didn't notice they were here sooner. It's my fault."

I raised an eyebrow,"Are you retarded? It's the albino twins fault that this happened!" "I know but- MAX!" David yelled as he turned to me and tried to grab me. I instinctively jumped back and Jen grabbed me, shoving a plastic bottle in my mouth that was filled with Kool-Aid. Neil gasped and screamed out to me.

David punched Jen away from me as Neil ran over, panicking and trying to think of something. I choked and coughed, falling to the ground. I could taste poison in the drink.

Neil opened my mouth and shoved two fingers down my throat. I gagged and he did it again, causing me to throw up the food I had earlier and the Kool-Aid.

Jen ran away with Daniel out of the camp and Gwen ran out,"What the fuck is going on?!"

3rd Person P.O.V.
Harrison walked back into camp with Nerris on his back and she was holding onto him for dear life, muttering. Gwen, Neil, and David were all fussing and trying to help Max up. "I'm fine, just get the fuck of-" he started to say but fell back into David.

The red head picked Max up and sighed,"Everyone go back to your tents for the night. Everything is alright. Come on, Neil."

David and Neil walked over to their tent with Max in David's arms and laid him down on his sleeping bag. Max grabbed Me. HoneyNuts quickly and clenched him to his chest,"I'm fine, you morons. Just let me sleep."

David nodded, leaving with a sigh. Neil sat on his sleeping and opened a book to read.


Max unzipped a pocket in his bag and grabbed his razor blade, striking it against his wrist. Neil looked over slightly to only gasp,"What the help are you doing?!"

Max ignored him and pulled his hoodie sleeve up all the way, striking his arm a few more times. His friend grabbed the blade from Max and used one of his clean shirts to hold against the cuts,"What the hell were you thinking? Did you think I wouldn't notice?!" He turned over to see white scars and dried blood on old cut that lined Max's caramel skin. "What the fuck?"

Neil started to tear up and tied the shirt around his arm,"Dont do this." He put the blade in his pocket and put his head in his hands. "Neil, I-" "Stop...I don't even know what to think anymore..."

Max looked down, feeling guilty,"Look, just give me back the blade. I promise I won't cut for tonight and tomorrow." "I don't trust you, Max. That's the problem. I'm sorry that I snapped at you the other day, we're still...friends, I guess. I thought you did something really bad..."

"Well, it seems like I do a lot of things wrong and never do the right thing," Max growled and laughed down, his back to Neil. Neil frowned and laid down on his bag, falling asleep.


The next morning, Neil woke up and sat in the mess hall with all the other campers but one, Max. He hadn't woken up yet and most of the campers noticed this.

Neil tried to wake him up in the morning, but left him alone when he hurt his shoulder. Maybe he'd walk up later? He hoped he would.

David's P.O.V.
I sat in the counselor cabin with Gwen, lost in thought. She sat on my bed beside me and put her hand on my shoulder to snap me out. Our eyes met and I couldn't look away from her. "David, it's ok. We just have to take it easy on the little shit while he heals. What happened yesterday wasn't your fault."

I fake a smile to her and nod, but I felt a stinging on my cheek. She slapped me,"Don't fake smile at me and hate yourself. I'm being serious. I hate to see you fake smile."

I sighed and looked down at the ground, quiet. Gwen rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my right arm. Gwen and I told each other that we had feelings for each other. Well, it sounds kinda weird, but I love Gwen. She was perfect to me.

"Maybe we should go see the campers," I say after a while of being there. "Mm, yeah, probably. You've taken your pill?" I nod and stand up with her, leaving the cabin.

I saw all the campers scattered around, waiting for us. I painted on a smile and forced up a peppy attitude. "Heeeellooo, campers! Today, we will be doing music camp!" No one seemed to be super excited nor did it seem that they despised the idea.

That's when I notice Max wasn't there. His blue hoodie always stood out. I let my smile slip a little, but I quickly fix it. "No worries, I'll be right back to get our last camper!" I started to shuffle away before darting to the tents. Please be ok.

I opened his tent to see Max laying down still. "Max? Max, it's time for camp to start....are you awake?" He moved his leg up to signal he was awake.

"Come on, Maaaax. We'd like you to join us!" I say, trying to keep my positive attitude, maybe even that would get him up. Max didn't budge at all.

I didn't push him and multiple time, I tried to get him up. The entire day, he never got up, never touched the food I left. I'm sorry, Max. I didn't mean for this to happen.

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