Ch. 5-That hurt

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Max's P.O.V.
I woke up early to hear people talking. I gently move Neil's hand off me and throw Mr. Honeynuts onto my bed, getting up to see who was talking. I unzip the tent and it was Positivity 1 and Positivity 2, David and Preston's dad.

I groan and put on my shoes, walking out,"Can you guys keep it down? You shitheads woke me up." Preston's dad opened his mouth to say something then cut himself off when David said,"Whoa, language." "Suck a dick, David!" I reply and rub my eyes.

I walk into the mess hall and sit down at one of the benches, groaning. Quarter Master sets two trays in front of me and heard a slight grumble,"Eat up, the other campers will be up soon." I nod and quickly eat the cereal he gave me. Once I finished, I set the trays up on the counter then thought of the nightmare I had last night.

I sat alone in my father's bed, crying a little bit. He just got done with me and it seemed so painful. I wrapped a blanket around me as I got up and rummaged through the closet of his room, I eventually found a gun. I ended up running out of my house to a familiar cliff that I couldnt place where I had seen it before. Neil stood in front of it, yelling out to me,"No, Max! Dont do it!" And I shot him. Why?! I have no idea, its a dream! And David ran up behind me and I stabbed him a little off centered in the stomach. I kill the people I love in this dream and I couldnt figure out why. This entire time, it was me but I wasnt in my body, I was watching from someone else's eyes. I started to laugh like a maniac and suddenly, I was falling in a dark hole where I couldnt see the bottom until I hit it-

And I woke up. It was strange, I just kept replaying it in my head. Everyone had come in and started eating when I came back to reality and I immediately knew Neil was next to me so I leaned up against him, purring a little.

All of a sudden, there was a flash of light in front of us and I opened my eyes to see Eden with a camera, she took a picture of us. "Fucking delete that! I'll fucking murder you!" Ered rolled her eyes and scoffed,"Oh come on, you guys are so cute together. I ship it."

I turn bright red and growl, climbing on top of the table. I pounce on her and wrestle Ered for the camera. Once I finally had it, I ran out of the mess hall and to a cliff. The photo printed out and I quickly stuff it in my pocket before throwing the camera off the cliff. "YEET!"

Ered ran up behind me and gasped,"That was a 50 year old camera!" I hum and look at the crushed camera at the bottom,"And it took about 3 seconds to break. Now thats what I call a disappointment, it didnt even blow up or anything cool!"

I walked away from her, back to the mess hall snickering. I liked pissing people off. I wasnt having the best luck with David and Gwen though for some odd reason. Well, I expected this from David but Gwen hasnt called me a "little shit" this entire time! Its weird.

Once I got back to the mess hall, everyone was outside and we were doing knitting camp. I hated it but just went along. Since I already knew how from last year, I immediately started and was left along. I didnt want to hear David's lecture on how to again.

I suddenly realized Neil was missing and sighed,"I guess Ill go find him. Hey, Dolf? Cover for me." I left the needles and yarn behind and went to go find Neil but he quickly came around and jumped when seeing me, walking around me quickly. "Hey, Neil! What the fuck? Did I do somethin-" "Dont talk to me, dipshit. I dont want you near me," he said and walked up to David, starting the activity. What was that? He's never acted like this before, especially not towards me. What had gotten into him? I heard Preston's dad whisper my name and I looked to his direction. He motioned for me to follow him and I did so, glancing at Neil a little. I followed Preston's dad into the forest a little and he turned to me,"Max, buddy! Come walk and talk with me!" I felt a little nervous but stood by his side.

"Do you like it here at camp?" He asked and I shrugged. "Its kinda dumb, I guess. Why?" "I just want to know what you think. You seem like the smartest kid here. I just want to figure out if I really want my boy here." I smirked at him calling me the smartest kid. "Oh, I dont care. I have to come to camp anyways, my parents dont care and just want to get rid of me." He laughs and I awkwardly force a laugh, not knowing what was funny.

The man turns to me and tilts his head, his neck cracking a little,"Well then, might as well do them the favor." He puts out a jagged knife and he creeped towards me. "Haha! Very funny, just put the knife away! This is an act, right? Y-You and Preston like acting!" I say and back away. He quickly grabbed me and stabbed me a little off centered in my stomach,"You may be the smartest kid but not smart enough!" He grabbed his brown hair and pulled it off, it was a wig, to reveal his blond hair. "D-Daniel!" I cough and he rips out the knife, leaving me to fall to me knees. "Now that I'll have you out of the way, no one can spoil my plans! You outsmarted me last time but this time, you wont! Goodbye, Max," Daniel said with a smile and pulled out a gun, shooting in the shoulder. I screamed in pain and realise he led me so far away, no one would hear me.

I laid in the grass, bleeding and gasping for air as Daniel walked away and disappeared. I was losing time, I didnt have long. What do I do? Think, think! Its getting blurry. Someone...I need to make a signal. I reach into my pocket and pull out flint I stole from David. I crawled to get wood and dead leaves then grab a rock, striking them against each other. It sparked a little and I did it again, setting the wood on fire.

I laid on the ground, next to the fire and started getting harder to breathe. Adventure camp finally became useful. Soon, I was choking and it started getting dark.

David's P.O.V.
I was helping the campers make little blankets and looked around for Max, not seeing him. "Max? Oh hooey! He's gone missing, has anyone seen him?" Everyone shook their head. Something started to smell quite foul. I didn't know what it was until I turned around and saw smoke in the air. "Oh, no! Has Max set the forest on fire?! I know he hates camp but I didnt think he'd try to burn it down!"

Neil looked up in a little concern as I ran into the forest. I heard a fire crackle but couldnt place where it was for a second. I finally found the small fire and Max laying beside it, asleep. I kicked the fire with my shoe, putting it out then I shook Max a little,"Maaax, wake u-" I saw two hole in his blue hoodie and red around them. I sat him up and pulled the hoodie off, I gasped. I saw two bleeding wounds and I noticed how pale he was quickly getting.

I picked Max up in my arms and started running back to camp,"Max! Max, I need you to wake up! Try to put pressure of the wound!" His eyes opened a little and I moved his hand over the wound on his stomach while I put my hand on his back. The wound went all the way through. I only then saw his scars, cuts and bruises on his neck and arms.

His yellow Camp Campbell shirt slowly turned more and more red as I ran to camp. Once I saw the kids, I screamed,"CALL 911!" Neil popped up, seeing Max in my arms and ran into the mess hall. I laid the boy on a table and held my hands on the wound on his stomach, Dolf putting pressure on the wound in his shoulder. Neil soon ran out,"THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY!" "Fuck, Max....Please, dont die," I said and kids gasped but I couldn't care less. Tears started coming and I was scared.

Siren came into camp and I rushed Max into an ambulance, sitting beside him,"Max, can you hear me? Please, stay with me! Dont die! STAY WITH ME!"

And this is where youre left. Thank you guys so much for over 110 views! Til the next chapter-

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