Ch. 6-Bandages

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David's P.O.V.
The ambulance had gotten to the hospital and they left me in the waiting room, taking Max to the emergency room. I couldn't stop hyperventilating. I loved Max, even if he hated me and camp is the only thing he has left, Im assuming. I dont want to LOSE him.

Hours passed before Gwen texted me.
G: Hey David, whats happening? No one will tell me what happened, juat that you and the little shit are at the hospital.
D: Well, I dont know what happened either. I just found Max in the forest when he made a smoke signal. I found him with two bad, bleeding wounds, burns, bruises, and bad scars.
G: shit, is he ok now?!
D: I dont know, Gwen. They haven't said anything

She didn't reply after that and I just sat there, sinking down into fear and darkness. Darkness until someone nudges me back. A nurse tilted her head,"Sir, you're David Luna, right?" I rub my eyes and nod. "Max is in his room."

I jump up and she leads me to his room. I open the door to see Max laying on a hospital, awake and without a hospital shirt on, just pants which showed his two giant bandages across his stomach and shoulder. "We couldn't get him to sleep, his body refuses medication strongly which means the pain killers aren't working either so no hugs please." I nod again as she leaves and I sit on his bed, Max turning his head slowly to look at me. "Hey, Max..." "Camp Man? Why are you here?"

A frown comes on my face,"What do you mean? I care about you and you are hurt!" He flinched a little and turned his head away, showing the bruises and scars on his neck and a bubbled burn on the side of his face. I try not to cry at the sight and sigh.

Silence fills the air until Max finally breaks it by whispering,"I'm sorry I fell for it. I didn't mean to but at least I listened to you about smoke signals." He chuckles slightly then whimpers in pain. "Fell for it? What do you mean?" I asked as I hold his hand, but he rips it away. Understandable. "What? You mean you don't know about Daniel?!" I go pale at him mentioning that man. "He was at camp and did this to you?! Oh hooey, I have to warn Gwen! I'm so sorry this happened!" I pull out my phone and text her the news.

Max grabs my hand gently and I could see the pain in his eyes,"Please don't go. I fucking hate it here." I sadly smiled and hold his hand tightly,"Hey, I'm not going anywhere without you...and language." He rolls his eyes at my humor.

"So, you're probably not coming back to camp for a while," I say, sadly. Max nods and buffs,"Even though I always try to escape camp, I'd rather deal with Gwen and your shit than be here."

I could understand not wanting to be here. I don't know if right now was a good time to ask but I did. "Max, why do you have scars and bruises on your neck?" He quickly wrapped his hands around his neck and looked scared,"Its nothing! Fuck off!"

"Max," I plead. He replies in a shaky voices,"It was just an accident! Jeez, what's got you so worked up? Fucking, it's nothing! I just fell and hit my neck..." I, of course, don't believe that for obvious reasons. I make him turn his head slightly and I examine his beaten up neck, Max slapping me away. "You almost seem all better," I try to say with enthusiasm to lighten it up. "I'm not in the mood, Camp Man. I just want to get out of this shit hole. I'm gonna die here, I know it."

Gwen texts me and my eyes widen when I read the message.
[David, get over here. Help us, it's Jen and David.]
[David, please]

I didn't know how to respond. Max could see my shock and kicked my lightly,"Hey, what the fuck is it? I've gotta be in the room where it happens!" (I'm sorry but I saw Hamilton last night and it was the best night of my life)

"I-Its nothing, Max! Don't worry. I've got to go-" "You can't just leave me in this shit hole, Camp Man. I'm going too," he says and sits up, slowly,"I'm still alive, I still wanna see the camp go to hell." I watched him struggle with the tubes and IV and breathing machine. When he was done, I sighed and turned around. "Get on my back, Max." Max crossed his arms and huffed, looking down but got on my back. If it was the time, I'd smile.

I dart out of his room, grabbing his hoodie on the best way. I ran as fast as I could out of the hospital and to my car, setting Max in the passenger seat. He turned on the car while I get in then slam on the gas. Everyone, hold on. We're almost there.

I'm sorry for my slow updates, I'll work on it. Anyways, here's this for now. And seeing Hamilton was the best night of my life. K bye

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