Ch. 7-Hurry

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Neil's P.O.V.
We all had to go to bed after Max was rushed to the hospital. I was still angry with him. Preston's father told me all about what he had been doing since he was friends with Max's father. Max had been promoting some stuff I'd like to not mention, what it was though is far from healthy. I'm a hypocrite. He's been using people for money. I regret giving him money. Everything I've known about him has been a lie!

I snapped at Max, but I still helped him? Why? I wanted to avoid him and have nothing to do with him, even called my dad to tell him I wasn't going back to camp next year since I knew Max would be here. But I still hurt to see him in danger. It doesn't make sense.

It was the middle of the night when Nerris screamed at the top of her high pitched lungs. Covering my ears, I ran out to see Daniel and Jen, the cult leaders from last year.

Jen had a gun while Daniel had his jagged knife, threatening Harrison who was protecting Nerris. She start to cry, which I've never seen before. Harrison held her close as fire burst from his free hand. Impossible, but I didn't question it.

Gwen ran out as well as other campers. "Join us! If we sacrifice our lives, we'll live in endless power in our next lives! Whatever we want! We all just have to be purified then kill ourselves! It's that easy, kids," Jen laughed before opening the bag she wore across her torso and tossed Daniel a bottle of Kool-Aid.

I panicked for a second before running at them and kicking Daniel in the calf,"You again! Go fuck yourself!"  He barely even nudged, my strength was nonexistent.

"Oh, Hello, Neil. Would you like to have a drink?" Daniel asked and tilted his head, his neck popping. My feeble body backed away as he twisted off the cap of the bottle and grabbed my jaw. I could smell the poison in the Kool-Aid.

Suddenly, David pulled up into camp and ran at Daniel with his guitar, hitting him in the head like a baseball,"NO ONE TOUCHES MY CAMPERS!" I held my breath, scared of what was going on. Max fell to my side, holding his stomach. "N-Neil..." I was upset. Upset with what he has done, but more upset about the fact he was hurt.

I knelt down and wrapped his arm around my shoulder,"Be careful. Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?" "I couldn't stand it there," Max groaned and leaned against me. I felt my face get a little red before I darted at a scream.

3rd Person P.O.V.
David swung his guitar at Daniel's head and sent him flying back. Jen gasped at this, catching the blond boy. Her blonde ponytail came undone as she glared at the red head. (Yay, just lots of hair-)

Harrison and Nerris grabbed each other's hand and ran away. Jen aimed her gun at David's neck and shot, a dart hitting him. Gwen froze for a second before she became furious, running up to her double and punching her across the face.

The red head passed out and fell to the ground. Gwen was too busy beating Jen's face in,"DONT YOU EVER HURT DAVID, YOU FUCKING, COCK SUCKING, UGLY SLUT!" Daniel tried to grabbed Gwen but she pulled her pocket knife and slashed his arm, causing him to scream.

Neil jolted and looked at the mess of the camp, unable to make out any words. He slowly backed away with Max leaning on him.

Max slowly regained awareness and let go of Neil, reaching into his pocket. He walked up to Daniel and used all his force to kick him to the ground, once he did, he put his foot on the blond man's chest,"You fucker. How dare you hurt David. You pose as Preston's dad and shot up a camp for you're dumb cult thing. You took his for granted and used him! You aren't allowed to touch Gwen, not David, and sure as he'll not Neil!"

He pulled a bomb out of his pocket and stuffed it in Daniel's mouth before running away quickly. It exploded, then another went off on Jen's back.

Max fell back onto the ground, breathing heavily and his face was red from anger. Neil tried to comprehend everything. Everything he knew about Max wasn't a lie before. "I'm a dickhead," he muttered, still in shock.

Gwen picked herself and David up,"Is everyone ok?!" No one said no so she dragged David to the counselor cabin.

Gwen's P.O.V.
I set David down on his bed then sat on mine, putting my head in my hands and sighed. Why couldn't I have helped more? David hates me.

Tears started to form. I'm gonna lose my job, David, that little shit. I should have known sooner that the cult was back. David was traumatized the first time Daniel came around and Jen right after didn't help. Why me?

It was over. Jen and Daniel were officially gone now though. The cult was over, no one was killed. I already know this isn't gonna get any better though, its still going downhill, I know it.

I just don't know what yet.

Thank you guys so much for over 1k views on this book! I noticed not many people read last chapter. Probably my fault for not updating more. If there are any pointers I need, tell me. Anyways, hoping you all are doing ok! Bye-

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