Ch. 9 - Take It Easy

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Max woke up the next morning, his anaesthesia had wore off the day since the hospital wasn't still giving it to him obviously. I saw Neil leave without making him get up or anything, which he was grateful for since it was too painful to move. He tried to, but pain coursed throughout his body immensely.

David began to worry about his poor, little so- I M-MEAN, MAX HAHAHHAAH. He walked over to his tent when everyone was eating breakfast and gently unzipped it to peak in at the small kid, still laying down. "Hey Kiddo, are you awake?" No response.

"I know you are...Max, I'm sorry if you're mad at me. I know, it was stupid I didn't realize Daniel was here and he hurt you an-" "Are you fucking retarded?" His response caught David off guard and his eyes widened,"Huh?! What do you mean?" "Are. You. Fucking. Retarded? It's not that hard to hear."

He looked down and frowned, putting his head in his hands. How could I not see this? He fucking hates me . "Max, I'm sorry. If I can e-" "Shut the fuck up, you're not listening. Are you retarded? Answer it!" David sighed and nodded,"I guess I probably am." Max growled,"You must be since you think I hate you."

David looked back up and a little of his red hair fell in his eyes. "I was so fucking glad you ever found me. I should've, could've, would've died if you didn't care to find me. I can't even be mad at you really right now." The redhead sighed of relief. "Well, are you coming out? I can bring you your lunch if you're not in the mood to."

Max was silent as his eyes darted around the tent, unable to find something to look at that would entertain or interest him for a while so he simply replied,"I can't fucking move."

David face palmed,"Of course you can't, how could I be so stupid? Ill be right back." He ran off while Max chewed the dead skin on his lip, bored, and fondled with his blanket. He heard a clank behind him and David panted a little from running. "I'm gonna pick you up, Max. Okay?" Max nodded in his consent and felt David scoop him up in his arms. His head turned to see the counselor had brought a wheelchair for him.

The boy with black hair groaned at the idea of him being pushed around in a wheelchair, it seemed so embarrassing to him. (I'm not writing this to single out people who have wheelchairs. We're all the same and equal besides murders and rapists and other stuff) David noted this and felt guilty,"I know you hate the idea, but I want to help you get out and stuff."

He pushed Max into the mess hall and a few people turned their heads but quickly looked away from the two, all besides Neil. Neil smiled at the sight of his friend (cough cough) being up. He turned red and turned to me,"Really, Caleb? Stop outing me!" (Just because I'm on the side of the see through one-way glass, doesn't mean you break it!) Neil rolled his eyes and looked back to Max. (BITCH-)

David rolled the boy up to the table beside Neil and set a tray in front of him. Max really wasn't in the mood to eat but he didn't eat all yesterday. He raised his left arm, his right shoulder being injured, and grabbed his fork, the utensils shaking. He picked up some food, unsteady, and quickly put the bite in his mouth,"This is too fucking hard when you're right handed!"

Neil frowned and took my fork from me, staring to feed my mashed potatoes. I didn't even care that it tasted like shit, I was just glad I had Neil with me, no matter how embarrassed it was.

I'm so sorry to everyone for not updating. I promised I was gonna finish this and make it a long book but I've lost my motivation to write, aka writers block. Give me suggestions on what to add if you'd like, whether it be a reference or a link in the plot. Again, I'm sorry. I'm just having a hard time right now . Thanks also for 2k views! I didn't ever think this book would have that many views at all, especially this quick. K bye

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