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"What's this? Is it Christmas yet?" I ask walking into the living room before leaving Chance on the floor. Ruby turns around, standing in the middle of a bunch of boxes, and smiles amused when she realizes my hair is still wet from the shower and I'm wearing a Sesame Street T-shirt.

"You know I'm the face of the new G-Star Raw campaign..."

"The most precious face they could've chosen..."

"... and tonight we're going to the opening party of their new flagship store in Los Angeles," she keeps talking like I haven't interrupted her although her smile gets wider. "We have to wear clothes from the new collection and they've sent us these." She waves her hand pointing at the boxes behind her: on the floor, the table and even the kitchen island.

"Sent us? Is there anything for me too?" Ruby nods and we start opening them laughing enthusiastically while Ru and Charlie bark excitedly running around us. "No high heels and princess dresses in sight... ripped jeans, cargo pants, cotton tops, blouses and sneakers... I'm going to love this party... What time do we need to be there?"

"At 7 p.m. so Riawna and Jo will be here a couple of hours before in order to fix our hair and our make-up... oh come on, don't look at me like that. Anyone would think they're going to torture you..."

"I thought this was an informal party," I mumble pouting while staring admiringly at one of the denim jackets. Actually, there're way more clothes than necessary here, at least four people could be dressed with all these garments.

"It is, but we have to stop at the photocall though..."

"We have?" I stare at her feeling my face getting pale. "Are you kidding me? You're the only star of this pack and besides, I never look good in pictures... Baby, please..." I take a deep breath, letting my ass drop on the hardwood floor because I think I'm getting dizzy and looking at her desperately.

"Iselen come on... I know the first time is the harder one but it's better if you pose in a relaxed and funny party. You'll look beautiful and I'll be by your side all the time, you just need to hold my hand and smile naturally... It's very easy, I promise." My mate holds me tight, rubbing her nose over my collarbone while enjoying the scent of my skin, and I think how it's even possible to act naturally when they're forcing you to smile and pose like a puppet in front of a bunch of strangers yelling like crazy and shaking their cameras. Luckily, they will be all focusing on the tattooed goddess standing next to me and people won't notice me. I hope...


I was surprised to discover that looking casual involves as much effort as getting ready for a gala dinner during the Academy Awards night... two hours! Who would've thought that a light makeup and a pony tail would be such a complicated task that needed a hairdresser, a makeup artist and two assistants but I guess it was worth it... I look good and my mate is glowing: her eyes are sparkling more than usual, her smile could light up the whole city, her cheeks are rosy and her lips look edible. Ruby Rose poses with grace in front of the cameras like she's wearing a designer dress instead of boyfriend jeans and black sneakers with some red bats printed, winking at the photographers every time one of them yells her name. I try to focus on her slender figure instead of thinking of my shaky knees while waiting near... till she beckons me with her finger and I have to move closer.

"Calm down..." she whispers taking my hand and squeezing my fingers trying to give me her strength... Maybe it's because of our bond but I think she manages to do it, at least I'm not making a fool of myself while posing, smiling shyly and trying to follow the instructions of the photographers: it's hard to look at the camera when they're yelling at you everywhere. The longest three minutes of my life come to an end eventually and my mate drags me inside de store. "You'll get use to this..."

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