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A/N: I wrote this chapter because I feel it's a good time to remember the reasons why I admire and love Ruby so much. I also think she needs to be reminded why she's so special sometimes... unfortunately, she'll never read this book but anyway, here's my tribute to her achievements. 

"Calm down, babe, please... my stomach is turning because of your anxiety and I feel like throwing up. Why are you so nervous?" I stare at Iselen in disbelief while she fidgets on the limo seat not caring if her gorgeous dress gets wrinkles.

"I want to go home..." she whispers with her eyes full of tears. "But I can't because I'm here to support you, so..." My mate takes a deep breath, again and again, and never finishes the sentence she started.

My mum shrugs and smiles confused, like she doesn't understand what the problem is either, but leans forward to hold her hand and infuse courage. I understand that Iselen feels tensed, the situation has been difficult these past days due to all those paparazzi following us like crazy hunters, I should've known they'd be lurking in the shadows that night near the Batwoman set. Luckily they weren't close enough to hear all the conversation, above all when we whispered, but their mics were able to catch my dad admitting that he abandoned us and never gave us money to buy food, my rage when he insulted my girlfriend and my timid attempt to start a new relationship with my brother. Tables have turned and the media is on our side now, they chase my father in order to get a statement from him but headlines are against the old wolf and he's furious, he has insulted some journalists and the scandal has reached a new level. Paparazzi don't leave us alone and they stalk my mum and Iselen when they go grocery shopping, our life has become very difficult and on top of that, my bosses force me to go out tonight and promote my show.

"Woman of the Year Award... I don't understand it." I mumble while fixing the skirt of my beautiful dress with black sequins.

"It's a great honour, sweetheart..."

"I know, mum. But I haven't done anything special this year apart from filming Batwoman. There're lot of more deserving candidates in Vancouver to get this award, probably, and I understand why haters have become crazy on social media against me... In addition to that, we shouldn't be here, it's the worst moment with all those paparazzi pestering us for pictures and my dad's pack stalking our movements... I hope they don't try one of their dirty tricks tonight. There're hundreds of important people invited to the ceremony... Babe, please, you need to calm down..." Iselen's hand is cold when I touch it and she stares at me with despair. "You look gorgeous..." I whisper and she smiles in response. "Where did you find such an amazing dress? It's unique..."

"A friend designed and sewed it in Spain in record time before sending it by express mail... Do you really like it?"

"It's perfect..." The top of the dress is black, embellished with sequins, and the deep V-neck shows the charms of my girl in a wonderful way but the skirt is made of white satin, long and puffy, and one side is airbrush painted to look like graffiti. When Iselen stands up, the fabric unfolds and a red and black bat is clearly visible... her friend is a great artist, no doubt. "We're here finally... calm down, okay? Everything will be all right, you only need to smile and let me answer the questions of the journalists, it'll be only for a few minutes and later we'll get into the hotel, will sit at our table and have a delicious dinner with our friends."

My mate nods and tries to relax walking one step behind me, it seems like half of the city is here to take pictures and congratulate me while I put my arms around the waists of my two favourite girls in the world and we smile, flashes blind us and noise is deafening but the three of us endure as stoically as we can the situation ignoring the questions about the family scandal my father has caused. The breeze doesn't bring the scent of the pack this time, luckily, and everything seems all right when we walk through the massive hall decorated with fresh flowers and guests clap... But for some reason I can't understand, my mate seems unable to calm down completely: she barely touches the delicious food on her plate and keeps tapping her red sandal heel on the floor impatiently. Her anxiety travels through our bond and I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of her.

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