Dream My Destiny.

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As I open my eyes I see a dark corridor with metal doors lining the sides. The strong smell of gasoline hits my nose and I see a silhouette of a girl. I slowly walk to her; her figure becomes clearer with each steady step. I stop a couple feet in front of her and noticed that the smell of gasoline is coming from her, dripping down her white dress and long black hair that falls halfway down her back.

Her piercing gaze looks through my soul as she tries to play games with me. She runs in and out of the doors, laughing and giggling. As she circles around me her wet hair brushes against my arm sending shivers down my spine. I think the fumes of the gasoline are making me see things but my nerves are wrong when the door opens behind me, I go to escape but the girl becomes upset and frustrated with me. As she reaches for my arm I hear a match being lit, the girl stops with a tear in her eye, she erupts into flames her mouth opens as if to scream butt comes out no more than a whisper.

 Her flaming hand reaches for me again but I quickly step away, she is disheartened by my actions so she slowly paces closer to me. The heat coming from her charcoaled body is burning the hairs on my arms, as my knees finally give way I drop to cold floor going into the fetal position. Finally finding my voice I scream at her “what do you want!?”  A rapid gush of wind from nowhere laps at the flames and the doors start banging open and closed. Then all of a sudden there is an ear piercing stillness, I look up at the girl and the flames are gone and she now looks like my reflection in a mirror but instead of bluey/brown eyes they are black like the night sky. She starts to whisper to me so I crawl closer to catch the last of her worried chants “their coming, run, run, their coming, BLAIR!”

Waking up to my sister, Emilia shaking my shoulders and screaming my name I know that was all a nightmare, but putting the pieces back together I can’t help the fear rising in my stomach because that’s the fifth nightmare I’ve had in a row and they all end the same.

“Get up I’m leaving in 5, and since I have to drive you to school at least try and look like you didn’t just walk out of a brothel,” she said in her annoying squeaking voice then leaves to go cake her face some more. Peeling myself from the blankets I go into my cupboard and shrug on a plain white hoodie and red skinny jeans with my favourite black vans to cover up my 5’4 tanned petite but curvy figure, my bleach blond hair  and my weird blue with brown flecked eyes. It’s not that I’m self conscious I just don’t feel the need to show off my body to those jerks at my school unlike my snotty sister who leaves nothing to the imagination.

Walking down the steps to the kitchen I pass my so called mother who barely even gives me a second glance, I never understood why my mother is always so horrible to me I guess it’s cause I’m not like her other perfect daughter and a bit of a disappointment to the family. As I stroll through the kitchen and quickly grab an apple because I can hear my sisters clinking high heels making their way towards me. Never less than seven inch’s she always told me.

“I thought I told you decent you abdominal Twat” Emilia shirked at me fat on my heels towards the garage.

“At least my clothes don’t make me look like a cum dumpster” I muttered back but she didn’t hear me, unfortunately she was too busy unlocking her red porche. How stereotypical.

Driving into the parking lot of California High for my first day of senior year I should be excited but truthfully I can’t wait for it to be over. Getting out of the car I watched Emilia’s group of bimbos come squealing over to her shouting how long it’s been but really they were together practically all summer. I slide my hoodie up and plug in my iPod in to drown out the snickering and glares shooting my way and quickly walk to my two best friends Serena and Mitch who are laughing, standing by our lockers. “Hey Mitch, look at the lazy ass who decided to come today, haha” Serena yelled, looking my way as I smirked and waved. “Yeah what took you so long babe” said Mitch inspecting his manicure. “I slept in and was only woken up by Emilia with 5 minutes to get ready” I grumbled out.

What was that saying speak of the devil and he will appear well in this case it was a she and ‘she’ is strutting behind Miss Popular her name was Tina Fairbanks, she’s your typical snobby popular and also happens to be my sisters best friend. “Please don’t come over. Please don’t come over.” I could hear Serena and Mitch chanting and I couldn’t agree more. “Someone up there must really hate us” I grumbled while watching Tina strut towards us with Emilia joined at her hip.

She looked me up and down before snickering “Wow, I've seen transvestites who look more feminine than you.” Just as I was about to reply a piercing sound shot through my ears and my vision was blurring. “Blair!” “Blair!”

“Are you okay?” I could just make out Serena’s worried words as the sound died and my vision came back. “Blair, do you want to go to the nurse?”

N-no I’m fine, I’m fine” I managed to stutter out and I was surprised they could hear it when Mitch said “Who’s coming Blair?”

“What do you mean?” I said confused. I haven’t told anyone about my dream and I don’t plan on, so I am not sure how he knows that. As if sensing my question Mitch said “you kept saying that their coming, Run, their coming.”

“Wow you guys are seriously retarded or something, like who let you out of the loony bin” Tina said startling me, I forgot that she was even there. With that the bell rung and I grabbed my books and ran to homeroom leaving my friends with quizzical expressions.



Do you like it? What's going to happen?

The next chapter you will learn a bit more about everything.


I know there is mistakes because I wrote this a long time ago and i am slowly editing it but it does get better !

<3 Sarah 

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