Delusional Gossip.

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 For some reason the size and font on mine is all over th place :/ I haven't proof read and yes this is a long chapter.......

xoxox Sarah

Homeroom was in a buzz of gossip and surprisingly my little incident this morning is not top of the news but a close second to the juicy gossip about a new boy.

"I heard he was a male model and just moved from France" said one girl talking with her friend.

"No no, he just got out of juvey for vandalism, what a bad boy" her friend squealed just as the teacher walked in and the class started to quiet down.

"Alright class, be quiet, be quiet. We have a new student today all the way from Australia, please make him feel welcome" Miss Dane announced to the class, I kept my eyes on my desk, I could hear the new guy making his way through the class and the girls giggling, I could just picture them all blushing and waving like a bunch of fan girls.

I never understood why girls cooed over boys even when most turned out to be complete jerk offs. What’s that saying guys always use.... treat them mean keep them keen, NO! Treat me mean and I will kick you where the sun doesn’t shine. Maybe that’s why guys don’t like me? Ha I shouldn’t kid myself it’s because...

My thoughts were cut short when the chair next to me screech out and someone sat down, I knew who it was without even looking up because I could feel the jealous girls glaring at me.

"Well, let's mark the role then" Miss Dane said so I tuned her out only giving her my attention when I yelled "here". I was so off with the fairies that when the bell rang 

signalling that home room was over it actually scarred me, causing me to jump and hit my knee on my desk. OUCH!

A deep musical laugh came next to me; I grabbed my books and scurried for the door trying to fight off the blush that is threatening to appear. Why am I blushing?!?! When have I ever blushed at a guy?! 


Walking out of third period English I stroll to the canteen, dodging other students and keeping my head down. I only had a few people snicker and comment on my incident this morning but most of all the school was in full gossip mode about the new boy.

I sat down next to Mitch who was gossiping with a girl named Cassie, I think?

“Omg, he walked passed me and smiled, like a real smile......” Cassie sighed and I couldn’t help but make a spew noise which caused their attention to turn to me.

“So I’m guessing you haven’t actually met the new guy” Mitch said cockily.

“Yeah I sit next to him in home room, I don’t see what the big fuss is about?” Okay so that wasn’t a total lie I do sit next to him but haven’t seen or talked to him. Mitch looked like he was about to reply judging by the smirk forming on his lips but was interrupted when the doors opened and everyone went silent. I knew who it was once again without even turning around I could already see the hormones flying in the air.

“Hey, I’m Tina and you should join us” she said loud enough for the whole canteen to hear, I already knew he was going to say yes because although he is meant to be supper God like, or so I’ve heard, no guy in their right mind would say no to Tina or her bimbos.

“Well this is fun and all but I’m going to the Library, I have some homework to finish” I said but just as I was standing up I bumped into someone and was covered in yoghurt.

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