As Light As A Feather.

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Hey there me lovelies a much waited chapter. Sarah.

I woke up thankful that I wasn’t in Sebastian’s room but my relief was soon short lived when I took in my surroundings. There really wasn’t much to take in; it was a green lush field with a few trees here and there. I started to feel the trees energy pulsing around me and the sun was getting brighter. It looked as if everything was glowing and trying to come towards me.  I felt a sear of pain rip through me and then a soft touch caress my cheek, like a feather.

I blinked at the harsh light and then it dawned on me...... that was a dream? Weird. I sat up squinting and sighed in defeat as I laid eyes on Sebastian and blondey who looked to be in deep conversation.  “so she passed out and started shouting ‘RUN THERE COMMING!’ and then she remembered that you bit her” blondey said trying to mimic what I think was suppose to be my voice. Sebastian nodded his head and blondey sighed running his hands through his hair. “Well I suppose we should book her into the Looney bin”

“Says you Mr and Mrs Vampire” I blurted out, they both turned to me a flicker of amusement in their eyes.

“Ah my damsel is awake, I don’t think we properly met my name is Luke and I am Mr Vampire” blondey well I guess Luke said holding his hand out to me, I heard Sebastian scoff but I just stared at the hand waiting for it to suddenly combust or something. After a minute Luke slowly retracted his hand finally realising that I wasn’t going to shake it. “What is that on your lap?” Luke asked as he reached forward and a plucked a white object of me. “Hmm interesting....very, very interesting” he mumbled while inspecting it. I looked closer it was a feather? Okay a very pretty feather but why so interesting and I highly doubt he is in a bird feather collecting club.

As if reading my thoughts Sebastian spoke “what is so’s just a stupid feather”. Luke ignored Seb and continued inspecting it with curiosity, Seb I like that nick name huh and it might actually suit him. Stop it he is a vampire you should stop giving him nick names, I scowled at myself. It would be a shame to let the nick name go to waste seeing as I don’t know any other Sebastian’s yeah I am defiantly going to us---.

I was cut short of my inner terminal buy Luke “Ah but my naive friends, this feather is not just a feather” Seb and I shot him confused looks making him continue. “No defiantly not just a feather because this is of no bird but an Angel instead”. My mouth gaped open and a quick glance at Seb to make sure he heard what Luke said as well and  by his pissed of expression it looks like he did but why is he angry?

“Angels...seriously? What’s next you are going to tell me werewolves exists” I said trying to lighten the mood a bit, Luke and Seb just stared at me and had a secret glance between each other which said ‘yes there is but we are not going to confirm or deny it’, I sighed frustrated and stood up.

“Okay I have been in your stupid house for too long, can you take me home?” I asked as sweetly as I could muster, I know I have had heaps of sleep but honestly I am physically and mentally weak.

“How can I make sure you won’t tell and I still don’t know how you remember” he said while standing guard of the door. I was about to reply when suddenly I was engulfed in a flash of white.

I was standing watching myself as a child swinging on the swings in the park near our house, strange this must be another memory whipped because I certainly don’t remember this happening. I watch as an old man is stalking me like a lion on his prey, but I sat there completely oblivious. The men looked about 40 in black business suit; his eyes were a smouldering brown and were set right on 8 year old me.

The man started slowly walking towards me from behind, but I as an innocent child just kept swinging while humming to myself. I watched frozen to my spot as the man wrap a arm around my waist and cupped my mouth while pulling me off the swing. “Shh little darling don’t make a sound and close your eyes” he cooed. He then bent his moth towards my neck which followed but a scream and then a slurping sound. Oh shit he is a vampire! He pulled back and wiped the blood from his mouth and then whispered “your daddy must be so proud of you, okay now forget everything that just happened and sleep” With that my little body went limp in his arms. A flash of light brought me back to the present.

“Blair what happened?!” Seb asked while placing me on the bed. I stood up and made my way to the door and through it open.

“I am sick of your shit, take me home now!” I said harshly, a flicker of hurt went past Sebastian’s eyes but was quickly replaced by a cold mask. He grunted in response and charged past me not even bothering to look back to see if I was following. I sighed and ran after Seb.

As we pulled into my driveway I felt relieved and happy for the first time to be home. The car ride home was awkward and silent; the only time anyone spoke was me giving Sebastian directions to my house. I muttered a quick ‘thanks’ as I swung open my door and sprinted inside.

My relief to be home was short lived when I remembered that I was missing for quite some time and nobody told mother. “Blair Hammington where have you been!?” my mother’s voice screeched as she emerged from the kitchen. “I do not allow this type of behaviour in my family but obviously you never got that message, but now that I think about it you never get the message” she yelled with big hand gestures.

“Well maybe someone killed the messager, look can you yell at me tomorrow or something because I am sick and tired of your shit and right now I just can’t take it!” I yelled and quickly sprinted up the stairs and into my room. After making sure the door was shut and locked I dove into my bed for some much needed recovery. Unfortunately sleep wasn’t coming so soon because my newly found memories were running wild in my mind.


Oh I know a bit of a writers block. hmmm... but important information in this chapter.

Okay two more week till holidays :) YAYAYAYAYA


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2012 ⏰

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