It All Comes Crashing Down.

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As promised Sebastian's Pov.. enjoy!

xoxox Sarah

Sebastian (POV)

I can still taste her sweet blood on my lips and I can still feel her body going limp and her heart slowing down. I nearly killed her tonight. I have been a Vampire for a very long time; I am a pure blood which means I was born to be a Vampire and as her blood touch my lips I thought this must be how a newly bitten Vampire must feel like. The blood lust and the craving for more.  I only drank from her because that is how we make humans forget something and in my case it was to forget the compulsion I used on her.


“This will only hurt a bit and then you will forget” I said and as I leaned in towards her neck I could smell her sweet aroma which was so different to any scent I have ever smelt. I felt my fangs burst through my gums as I leaned in and pierced through her soft skin and then I drank. Her sweet blood skimmed my tong and down my neck, her blood is so different and fuck does it taste good! I could feel her heart slow and her body go limp. Her blood was calling for me and I was finding it difficult to stop, I snapped back to reality and quickly drew back “why do you taste so good?” I asked out loud. I picked up her limp body and started to carry her outside and into my car. Maybe I should have asked her where she lived before I drank from her, well looks like we’re having a sleepover.


Why am I so stupid?! I should have asked the girl where she lived but no! I was so engrossed in finding out who hurt her wrist! I swear I will kill that cold hearted bitch of a mother if she lays one more figure on Blai...... no she is a measly human I don’t care what happens to her she is pathetic! My thoughts were driving me insane as I pulled the blanket up Blair’s arm making sure she wasn’t cold. Yes, unfortunately I didn’t find out where she lived which is exactly why she is in my bed sound asleep while I’m passing around like a mad man making sure she isn’t cold or dead.

The vibrating of my phone woke me from my panicking. “Hello” I said into the phone.

“Hello Sebastian, I was calling to check up on your situation in pursuit of the creature” a manly voice I recognized as my father. The only reason I am actually in this place is because father asked me to do an important mission, why he asked me off all people has still got me stumped.

I clear my throat “Uh, Um... I haven’t caught a scent yet but I will keep trying” I tried not to let my doubt leak through my voice but some did.

“Yes you will. I am 100% certain that the creature is there, do not fail me boy.” With that he hung up. Frustrated I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, why did I accept this mission. I kicked the bed side table sending it flying into a wall smashing it to pieces, that’s when I heard a scream.

Blair (POV)

Waking up in a stranger’s bed is not the ideal place to be, but waking up in Sebastian Darkhood’s bed well that is just messed up beyond comprehension. I watched him pacing back and forth beside my bed, he is too deep in thought to even realise that I am awake. I took this moment to skim my eyes down his body. He is wearing only boxes and dam he has nice abs, I quickly wiped the drool off my mouth and looked up when I heard him talk “hello”. That snapped me back into reality; I quickly crept off the bed and grabbed the nearest things to defend myself with, which just happened to be a lamp..... It’s no gun but it is sure to hurt if used properly. I watched him as I climbed up onto the bed so I was standing a meter away from him. He sighed with frustration and ran his hands through his slightly messy hair; I wonder what it would feel like to run my hands through his hair. What am I think he is a kidnapper!

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