A Love Bite

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A/N as promised here is another chapter and it's pretty late at night so sorry about mistakes

VOTE.COMMENT.FAN          xoxoxo Sarah 

It’s Thursday and that makes it exactly three day since my mother hit me. My face has bruised slightly on the edge of me cheek bone which thankfully can be covered by my bangs, not as fortunate is my wrist which has a massive hand bruise on it and it has also swollen drastically due to my awkward landing. All week I have been wearing long sleeved shirts or jackets to cover my wrist. Only Serena commented on it but I distracted her and spun the conversation off my clothing choice, which she went with easily. I don’t know whether to be upset or happy that my friends are so oblivious to my pain.

I am sitting in the library trying to finish my homework for the next lesson HSB (Human Social Behaviour), URG! Unfortunately my mother hurt my right wrist, which just happens to be my good hand. Writing is a big problem and that is why I couldn’t finish my homework the pain was just too much. I quickly scrawl some sentences about how the people react in different social clicks all depending on their home life. ALL DONE! Whoever said homework won’t hurt you has obviously never tried writing with what seems to be a really bad sprained wrist.

I was going to go to the doctor last night but I live on the other side of town and how am I supposed to explain my wrist? Umm well my mother sort of slapped me in the face, grabbed my arm very tightly and pushed me so I landed on it very awkwardly because that’s the type of cow she is! Pfft yeah I’m sure that will go down well.

Walking into HSB I can’t help but feel my spirit lift because not only do I love this subject but the teacher Mrs Pumming is as quirky as it gets. “Good morning, good morning and how are you today?” she sung while prancing around the room, yeah she’s weird alright! I took my seat up the back and placed my books on the table next to me so no one can sit down.

“So I believe I gave out homework last less—“Mrs Pumming was cut short by the door opening and closing. I looked up, just in time for my eyes to meet the rude intruder, the new guy. I visibly sucked in a breath; I almost forgot how beautiful he was....... almost. I looked back down at my desk and started taking out my note book and pen, only using my left hand of course.

I could hear the new guy making his way towards me but I quickly scolded at him and watched him strut over to Emilia and Tina. SPEW! I was brought back to reality at the sound of the teachers voice “Okay, glad you could finally join us. Very well then, I believe I gave out homework last lesson and I expect that you all have done it” She took a moment to look at each and every one of us in the eye before continuing. “This lesson we will be continuing on from that and I will be handing you each a mini assignment” A few groans were made but were shut up with a glare from the teacher. “You will all be partnered up with people outside of your click, you will have to try and understand that person and find out what makes them tick and who they really are?” There were even more groans this time and I was defiantly one of them because none and I mean absolutely none of my friends were in this class and I know my luck that I will be paired with Tina. “Okay when you hear your name and partners please move to where they are sitting”

I zoned out but my ears perked back up with the mention of my name “Blair Hammington you can go with ummm....  ah Miss Tina.” I suddenly felt really nauseous and I swear everyone in a five mile radius could hear my rapid pulse.

“Mrs Pumming you can’t be serious because there is no way in hell I am going with that nut job” Tina sneered at the teacher, everyone turned to me snickering and laughing. I stared blankly at the teacher trying not to show any emotions but on the inside I was crying and screaming as whatever I had left of my confidence shattered.

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