Chapter 1

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Yoongi POV

"Fuck this shit."I cussed putting my pencil down.This is probably the 13th time I try finding the correct answer and I still can't get the right one.

"Don't cuss Yoongi."Jin-Hyung glare at me while I just yawn and lay down on the floor."Just because we're at your house doesn't mean you can do anything you want Yoongi."He continued.I ignore him and stay in the position I was in.

"Come on hyung.You can do this! Your very clever after all.You always got number 3 in your class!"Namjoon said to me."Yeah.Say's the one who always got number 1 or 2 in place in class."I roll my eyes at him and got up to go the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"Jin-Hyung asked."Toilet."I simply answered and get out of the room.

Seokjin's POV

After he stood up to go to the bathroom,I put down my pencil and pull out my phone from my pocket.I open my Whatsapp and saw a lot of message from Jungkook.

Jungkook is younger than all of us but also the most strong and powerful one.Despite his strength though,He is still as childish as a child so we are always there to take care of him.

Namjoon is our leader.He is very intelligent and quiet handsome so there's a lot of girl trying to seduce him but it never work anyway.He is kind and mature but a prankster at the same time.

I open the message.

I open the message

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"Aish this maknae

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"Aish this maknae..."I put the phone in my pocket and began to pack up."Hm? What's up hyung?"I put my math book in my bag while speaking."Hoseok got something to tell us.Let's go."I grab the bag and put it on my shoulder as Yoongi walk into the room.

"Jungkook text me.Let's go"Namjoon nodded and put his English and Science book into his bag and stood up putting the bag on his shoulder.

Yoongi POV

I walk downstairs with Namjoon and Jin-Hyung and saw dad watching TV with my big brother in the living room.

"Dad I'll be going out for a bit."My dad turn to look at me."Have fun Yoongi!"I nodded and went out with Jin-Hyung and Namjoon.

Hoseok's house is pretty close to mine so we just walk to his house.Hoseok is a ball of sunshine that always smile but he's scary when he's mad.

We talk about why our senior or "Boss",Want to see us all of the sudden and if any of us has done something wrong but so far,no one really know why.

Finally we arrived and I knock on the door.Hoseok open it and smile when he saw us."Hey guys! Come on in! Shin Hyuk-hyung is inside."I nodded and untie my sneakers and went inside.Everyone is here Jimin,Taehyung,Jungkook and of course, Hoseok.

Jimin and Taehyung is the same age as each other so they are classmate.They joke around a lot and quiet close to each other.They are so cheerful and energetic.I look around and saw Shin-Hyung sitting on the couch thinking about something.

"Where's your sister Hoseok?"I ask turning to Hoseok who's still smiling cheerfully."She got to go to work immediately since its an important case."I nodded.

"Now that everyone is here,I got something to tell you guys."We turn to look at Shin-hyung.

"There's someone you need to protect."

( And...Done! First chapter,hope you enjoy!

Author-nim, Out!)

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