Chapter 7

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No one POV

"I know we are busy with the girls but..."The boys began paying attention toward Jimin."Don't you think something is wrong with Jin-Hyung?"


The table was filled with noise just now but after the topic been brought out,they stay silent not being able so say anything about it.Thankfully enough,Jin was not there because he went to the library to study for his exam.

"I mean like...Don't you think something is wrong with him?"Yoongi sigh and run his hand through his dye blue hair."Well...I guess.He seems like he's hiding something."Jungkook who was chewing some rice swallow it and began talking "I think his dad got something to do with this..."

The group look at Jungkook with a confuse face."He's always alone at home even though he always said that his dad come home early.I knew because I went home using the road that was beside his house."They look at each other and Jungkook again.

"I think his dad is doing something horrible..."Namjoon sigh and shook his head."I don't think so honestly.He said that he get along with his dad very well."Yoongi look toward Namjoon and said.

"Just because he said so doesn't mean he mean it."

Sungjae POV

I walk along the hallway that was filled with student before bumping into someone.

"Ah!"He fell down and I immediately offer my hand to help him up."Are you alright?"He look up at me and accept my hand.He thanked and apologized to me and walk away."Weird...I never saw him before."I said to myself.

"Hey Sungjae!"I turn to the direction of the voice and saw Soo young waving at me.I walked toward her and greet her back."Hey Soo-Young.What's up?"She giggled and handed me a file.I sigh and accept it before looking at the title of the file.

"Kim Seokjin..."My voice trailed off at the mention of his name before I look up at Soo-Young again.She sigh and nodded before patting  my shoulder."Good luck."I turn my attention back to the file.

"Kim Seokjin..."

Namjoon POV

"Wanna hang out today hyung?"Jin-hyung turn to us and shook his head."Sorry.Got homework.I'll see you guys tommorow!"He said before running to his motorcycle and drove off.

I sigh looking at the others while they have a very suspicious look when they look at Jin hyung who was slowly disappearing from our sight.

"He's hiding something."Yoongi started and everyone nodded  including me."Should we do something about it?"I stare at the ground for a second thinking about what should we do before giving up.

"Let's think about it first.This might have not been a good idea."They agreed and decided to call it a  day."I'm tired so I don't wanna hang out either."Hoseok said.

Jimin turn to look at him."What did you do today that you become THAT tired? I mean...You always hang out with us no matter how tired you are."Hoseok roll his eyes and slap him in the back of his head playfully."Ow!"

"I was helping Mr Sungjae cleaning the sport equipment storeroom just now.You have no idea how heavy those things are.Especially the softball bat."He said glaring at Jimin who just rub the back of his head with an angry face.

"Hm...I guess I'm gonna go home too then.I gotta complete my homework."Jungkook look at Yoongi."Weird.You never care about homework before."Another smack was heard as he slap Jungkook arm playfully.

I just laugh at the action while Jungkook rub his arm with Yoongi crossing his arm in front of the younger."My parent's gonna kill me if they received more call from the teacher."I place my hand on his shoulder while smiling at him.

"Just go hyung."He and Hoseok then excuse themselves before they walk away to the location of their house side by side.

"Now them.Time to plan something."


Alright thats done.Probably one of the longest chapter because I rarely update.Have fun!


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