Chapter 4

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No one POV

"You got called by Mr Sungjae again?"Namjoon asked taking a bite of his sandwich.Yoongi sigh as he slurp his Lemon tea loudly and set it down on the table."Yeah.That jerk Suho almost slap a women so I punch him."

"Well...It's your own fault for picking a fight with him."Hoseok take a spoonful of rice with soup and shove it into his mouth.Yoongi,obviously not happy with his remark bit his lip and sigh again.

He shut his mouth and shove the rice with soup into it instead.He chew on it slowly as he heard the member talk to each other.

"I'm such a disappointment..."

Yoongi cough loudly and accidentally spit out all of the rice that was in his mouth.He close his mouth with his hand and ran to the toilet.


"What's wrong with Yoongi?"I ask to others who obviously have no clue.I look at the direction of the toilet before standing up and head toward it.I try to open the door but it's lock from inside.

"Yoongi?"I called."W-What?"He answer,shakily."What's wrong?"I heard something from the other side of the door before it open widely,showing Yoongi with a straight face.

"Nothing.I just really needed to go to the toilet just now.Come on,Let's go.I wanna eat."He drag me back to the cafeteria.I don't think it's nothing but I stay quiet letting him drag me to cafeteria.

Sungjae POV

I close the book that I was working on and put it aside before stretching.

"Are you tired Mr Sungjae?"I jolted when someone call my name and turn around to see Soo-Young.I relax and turn to her."Yeah...I am.I still got a lot to do though."She chuckled and sat next to me (Which is her seat) and open a file.

I notice that it's a file of a student name Min Yoongi.She look at the file worriedly which make me more curious and worried as well.Yoongi is a good kid.He just like to cause trouble because he is tired and stress from all the studying and I understand that.

I then ask her."What's wrong Soo-Young?"She turn to me and said

"I think he is diagnosed with depression..."

Jungkook POV

I walk through the busy hallway to go to my next class while whistling quietly until I saw Xiumin walking toward my direction.I silently walk past him and sigh in relief as he pass me by not noticing my presence at all.

Then,I saw Yoongi-Hyung talking to Jaebum or his nickname JB in front of Miss Hyek Hyo class.I was about to go and say hello before I was push to the ground which actually manage to catch everyone attention.I quickly turn around to see who it is and my eyes widen.



Sorry for not updating.I really don't know how to put Bobby from Ikon but I'll figure something out...




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