Chapter 3

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Yoongi POV

I sigh as I walk through the school gate.Suddenly I heard someone calling my name so I turn to look and it was Mr Sungjae."Oh...Hi Mr Sungjae.I said trying to be as polite as possible.Yeah, I'm a troublemaker but I respect my teacher and parents.

"Hi Yoongi.Well, I just want to tell you that I want to meet you parents tommorow.They didn't come last week during parent's teacher's day and I really want to talk to them."I nodded and bow before walking again.

I sigh again.

"So troublesome..."

Hoseok POV

"Hey hyung!"I called to Jin-Hyung who was walking in front of me.He turn to look at me and smile,warmly.Yeah.You heard it right,warmly.

One of the reason we love Jin-Hyung is that he has that warm smile that make you feel safe.When he's smile,I feel so happy and safe.

"Hey Hoseok."He greet.I look around saw that there's no one with him."Shin Hyuk-Hyung skip today huh?"He giggle and nodded."Yeah.I want to skip but exam is coming soon and my dad would kill me if I fail..."He rub the back of his neck while smiling nervously.

I frown and sigh."Does that mean you can't hang out with us?"He laugh and mess my hair up."Aish don't worry.I will still come and hang out from time to time,Though, not as frequent."I sigh and fix my hair.

"Oh come on! You still got the others.Beside,The exam will be over as quick as it come."I nodded and smile back at him."See you after class then hyung!"Jin-Hyung nodded with a warm smile and walk away.

I watch as he left with a sad frown.

"Hyung...Why didn't you tell us?

Skip to lunchtime

Yoongi POV

"Alright.Class dismissed."Mr Sungjae said and I stood up grabbing my bag ready to meet my friends when suddenly Mr Sungjae call me again.I turn to look at him."Here.Give this to you parent's okay?"

I put the paper he gave to me into my pocket and thanked him before leaving.I walk down the hallway to the cafeteria when suddenly I bump into someone.I fall down into the floor and look up to see who it was.

My mouth was wide open for a second before it was replace with a smirk."Yahh.It's the good old Suho."He "tsk" at me as I continue to smirk.

"The fuck do you want Yoongi."

"Woah rude.I just want to talk to you."He scoffed."Yeah right.As if I believe that."The students that was in the hallway has form a crowd to watch us.I rolled my eyes at him which actually pissed the heck out of him.

"Now if you excuse me Suho,I'll be going."I was about to walk away before Suho grab my hand and punch me in the face.I fell to the ground,groaning in pain.He raise his hand for a second punch so I close my eyes waiting for it.


I open my eyes and saw...Jennie?

If you actually wonder how I know her,Let's just say I converse with her two or three times because we're in the same tuition class which I was force to go to by my parent's.Not like I ever pay attention in it anyway.

She step in front of me and glare at Suho."What do you think your doing?"He glare back at her."What do you want? Just because your a chick doesn't mean I'll go easy on you."She scoffed.Damn this girl got quiet the nerve.

"Well,I don't expect an asshole like you to do so."I stare in amazement.

"This bitch!"He raise his hand to slap her but I quickly stood up and push her aside before punching his face.He fell to the ground with a loud thud and bleeding nose.

"Hitting a girl? Not cool dude."I said to him.I turn to her."Thanks.Uhh Jennie."She just smile and nodded before saying she should go.I just let her be cause...

"Min Yoongi.Come to Mr Sungjae office.Now!"I rolled my eyes


Double update! Hope you like them!

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