Chapter 8

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No one POV

"Should we just ask him?"Jungkook suggested while kicking a pebble at his feet.They are currently at Yangjaecheon stream to hang out since they rarely went there because of the distance of their house and the stream.Since tommorow is holiday,they thought they can come back home late today so they decided to go there.

"Pfft that's useless.As if he'll tell the truth.You know how Jin-Hyung is.Always trying not to make us worry."Jimin answered which cause all of them to sigh except for Namjoon who is just putting on his thinking face.

" 'Sup-hyung? Something wrong?"Namjoon who was sitting on the grass turn to Taehyung and stood up."Have any of you saw any injuries on him?"The group then started to think about it and suddenly Jungkook spoke up.

"Oh now that you mention it,I saw a bruises on the back of his neck last Monday...When I ask him about it he insisted that he just fell down.I was about to ask more about it but he just dodge the question..."Namjoon then started to walk on the side of the stream throwing pebbles after pebbles that he pick up.

"....Listen.He is clearly lying to us about something and I am so gonna find it out.He is trying to protect us too much."The others just followed without a word walking behind him just looking at the stream.Namjoon threw the last pebble into the stream and turn to them.

"Now it's our turn to protect him."

Yoongi POV

"Aish hyung! Why did you come with me in the first place?!"I shrugged walking alongside him with my backpack on my shoulder.Hoseok sigh and took out his phone.He began tapping something on it before slipping it into his pocket again.

"Look, Hoseok.I know what you are planning to do when you left.I known you since we was kid.You think I won't notice?"Hoseok stay quiet and stopped walking.I sigh and turn to his side.

"We're here."Hoseok is frozen in spot not moving nor looking at me.I took out my phone and began texting Namjoon.

I took out my phone and began texting Namjoon

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I slipped it back into my pocket and waited for Hoseok who is still not moving

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I slipped it back into my pocket and waited for Hoseok who is still not moving."Hoseok?"He then sigh and turn to me."Your seriously planning on helping me?"I nodded with a smile."What? I care about Jin-Hyung too.He's the one that always take care of me when I am stress during studying."Hoseok stay quiet again.

"Alright let's just wait though."I nodded and lean against the wall next to the gate."By the way hyung,What do you mean by..."He's the only one that take care of you" stuff?"I stay quiet.

"Hyung?"I smile again and brush it off."It's nothing Hoseok-ah."He look suspiciously at me before a crash was heard inside."Holy-"I cover his mouth before he can curse and hid behind the wall.

"I TOLD YOU THAT YOU HAVE TO BOUGHT THE SOJU RIGHT?!"Me and Hoseok took a peek and saw Jin arguing with someone.It's not his dad though.

"But I-"The man cut him off."SHUT YOUR MOUTH!"Just as he was about to hit Jin,I immediately ran out of the hiding spot and stop his punch.

"What the actual heck?! Yoongi?!"

I ignore him and turn to the man.

"What are you doing here...



Omg guyssss I'm kinda tired honestly.I been watching Partner for Justice/Investigation couple and its amazing! I might as well make a fanfic about similar genre.Nishishi Xb


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