Extra Chapter: BP X BTS Confession

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Yoongi POV

"...So...Sorry for calling you out like this..."Jennie apologize.I shrugged.

"No worries.What is it you want to tell me?"At first she is quiet stuttering and avoiding my eye contact.

I'm feeling awkward at this point before she suddenly said.

"Okay.I know this is kind of weird..."

She take a deep breathe,

"Okay,I...I like you.Not as a friend but like...Romantic way.I mean...You seems cold and all but..."

I nervously rub the back of my head."Um...I...Ok I like you too.But I am planning to become an Idol...Can you wait for me until I..."Jennie giggle.

"...I know.It's hard to become an idol.I just want to get it off my shoulder.I'll wait then."She smile.

I sigh in relief and pull her into a hug which make her really flustered.

"I love you"

Seokjin POV

"Jin for the love of god,if you didn't stop with those jokes,I might kill you and no one will know."Jisoo said while I continue laughing.

"Aishh don't be so mad.It's just a joke."She huff and continue writing in her exercise book.

"...Jisoo-ah."She turn to me."Um...I want you to wait for me for a bit...Can you?"She look at me,confused.

"I want to confess...But now is not the time.Can you wait?"She look at me for a bit before smiling.

"Alright.Make sure you confess one day okay?"I nodded.

I stood up and pull her into a hug.


Jimin POV

"Why must Jungkook drag me here with Rose."I muttered.I'm flustered enough just hearing her name and now he's leaving me with her? That little shit.

"Um...Jungkook said that you have something to tell me?"I can't take this anymore...


Deep breathe.

"I like you.No...I feel like 'like' is not that strong...I love you."I'm sure my face is redder than a tomato right now and that is not okay.

She was about to answer but I cut her off."Though...I don't exactly hope that you like me back..."She shook her head.

"I actually like you too..."I can't believe what I just heard.

"...W-Well...Didn't expect that..."I ran my hand through hair and sigh.

"Honestly though...I don't think we can start dating cause.."She chuckled before answering it for me.

"Because your a trainee.I understand that.I'll just wait until we can do so then"She smile.

I sigh in relief and pull her into a hug.

Jungkook POV

"You know what...I'm a golden maknae so I guess I'll just get straight to the point."I said before gulping nervously.

Lisa is just looking at me with a confuse face.
"I...Um...I am in love you."


She look at me.

"I don't think we can be together because of my profession so..."

She smile.

"Then,one day,confess to me again.I'll be waiting."I smile.

"Yes I know.Wait for me until when I'm ready."


And...That's all! Thank you for reading School 2019!

Author out!

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