Chapter 9

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"Well,well if it isn't Min Yoongi.What are you doing here little boy?"Yoongi scoffed."Fuck you.Just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm weak you little shit."

Juwon laugh and pull his hand back."Come on now Yoongs.Let's settle this easily 'kay?"Jin was just watching the scene in front of him unfold,confused.

"I just saw you trying to punch my best friend and you thought I would let that go?"Juwon laugh again."Oh come on.Do you want to settle it like the old time?"

Yoongi smirk."What about you?"Juwon also smirk."Yeah sure.Kinda miss that punch of yours."Yoongi smirk disappear immediately before he raise his hand to punch Juwon.Unfortunately,Juwon managed to dodge it and grab his hand pulling him to the ground.

Yoongi fell down with a thud and he groan."Oh come on.That's all? give me more Yoongs."Yoongi who was still on the ground grab his leg and pull on it causing Juwon to fell down.He then got on top of him and started punching him repeatedly.

"Okay! Okay! I give up!"Yoongi doesn't believe it."I'm not gonna believe that."He punch his face again but then was pulled back by Jin."Stop! Stop!Your gonna kill him."Yoongi take a deep breath and try to calm down before grabbing Jin's hand and walk away.

Sungjae POV

"Kim Seokjin...Kim Juwon?"I asked myself while reading the file.The information was quiet surprising because Kim Juwon is actually a student at Seoul University before he was kicked out last year.

He was a very smart student but he likes to cause trouble which is why he was kick out in the first place.

The file said that they are step-Brothers and that the relationship is very bad.I close the file and look at my watch before sighing.

6:30 pm

All the teachers id gone and the only one left was me so I decided to go home as well.I stood up and walked out of the Teacher's room and was about to close the door when a student come running to me.

"Sir! The new student is getting beat up!"I quickly lock the door and make the student lead the way.

When we arrived,I immediately recognize who's the bullied is.

"Baekhyun! Suho! Stop right now!"They turn to me and 'tsk'."What if we doesn't want to?"I sigh."Troublesome."

I walk toward them and grab Suho's  and Baekhyun's hand before twisting them.They both cried out in pain.

"Ow! I'm sorry! I stop damn it!"I glare at them.

"Let's see your parents reaction about this."They widen their eyes while I chuckled.I let them go and they look at me with eyes full of resentment before running off.

I turn to look at the student and realized its the same student that I bump into earlier.

"Take him to the clinic before sending him home."The student who called me just now nodded and help the boy stand."Um...Thanks Sir."I nodded.

"What's your name by the way?"He look at me.

"My name is Kim Ji Won but you can call me Bobby"


Ole! The chapter is done.Hope you like it and finally I added Bobby.Lol XD Bye!

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