Chapter 6

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No one POV

"Jennie!"She turn around and saw Jisoo run toward her to see her fell down.Jisoo immediately stood up again and continue running toward her."B-Be careful Jisoo..."Jisoo chuckled nervously."Sorry...Sorry..."

"GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU SHORT LITTLE SHIT!"Both Jisoo and Jennie jump slightly and turn around to see Yoongi standing in front of Baekhyun.There's a boy on the ground behind Yoongi who was just helplessly watching.

"The fuck is your problem Baekhyun?!"Yoongi shouted at him while Baekhyun just scoffed at him."It's none of your business."Yoongi is so mad that he grab Baekhyun by his neck and lifted him up.

"Just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm not strong you little shit."Baekhyun give him a cocky smirk and chuckled."What's so funny?"

"MIN YOONGI!"Yoongi look toward his left and saw a teacher."Put him down! NOW!"Yoongi 'tsk' and let go of Baekhyun."Follow me now."Yoongi glare at him and follow the teacher but not before whispering to Seokjin and Namjoon who was watching.

Jisoo and Jennie just watch,confuse by what just happened.Namjoon and Jin look toward them for a moment before running toward the school garden.

Seokjin POV

Yoongi told me that EXO is planning something in the school garden so me and Namjoon ran there to spy on them.When we arrived,they are talking in front of the fountain so me and Namjoon immediately run toward the tree and hide behind it.

"Remember.Do anything to shut those girls up got it?"Suho said to which his members just nodded.They then dismiss and I come out from behind the tree with Namjoon and turn to him.

"Hm...I think we have to take extra care of them."Namjoon nodded."That's right.EXO is planning something dangerous..."I sigh and look at my watch."Oh...It's almost time for class.I'll be going now Joon.See ya."I walk away from him and my smile faded immediately.


Sorry.Just a short update.I'm kind of lazy.

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