Chapter 26

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Yoongi POV

"It's...5 dollar."I pay the price that is needed for my ramyeon and chips before exiting the convenient store.

While passing by the park,I saw Jin-hyung sitting on the swing set in the park.I stop by the park and call out to him.

"Hyung!"He look towards my direction and smile while waving."Hey Yoongs!"I walk towards him while checking my watch.I sat on the swing set next to him and pull out the chips that is in the plastics.

"Want to share?"I said to him.He refuse at first since he knew that the chips is probably one of the only thing I had to eat for the night but then his stomach started growling.

I laugh and open the bag of chips before offering it to him."It's okay.I have ramyeon to eat for the night."

He laugh a little before taking one of the chips and eat it."Why are you outside anyway? You usually would be at home studying your ass off."He laugh a little.

"...I...Kinda run away from home...Because I had a fight with my dad."I nodded before taking one of the chips myself and ate it.

"...About becoming an idol??"I ask.He look down at his feet while sighing.I nodded and look towards the sky.

"...Where are you gonna go now?"Jin-Hyung sigh while shrugging."No idea...I ran out with only my wallet which barely has 10 dollars in it,my phone,my bags and my motorcycle."

"...Want to live with me for a bit?"I ask.He look at me with surprise look."Wait really?"I nodded while turning to him.

"Yeah.My dad won't mind.My siblings is not here so there's barely anyone at home."He smile."I guess I'll take the offer.I have nowhere to go anyway."I laugh."Oh come on.Even Shin-Hyuk Hyung won't mind to take you in."He laugh.

"...You really sure you want to be an idol with us hyung?"He look at me."Of course.Why did you even ask that?"I sigh while eating another chips.

"I mean...Your smart hyung.Both you and Namjoon got a brighter future ahead of you.You can be literally anything.Prosecutor,Lawyer,Doctor...
Anything."He look at me for a few second before laughing.

"Seriously? Your been wondering about that?"I glare at him."Yoongi,words can't describe how much I love you and the others.There might be a chance that I love you guys more than myself."I look at him with surprise expression.

"Look,Yoongi I know that I could be literally anything I want.I can be a Doctor.I can be a pilot.I want to be an idol because I want to stay with you guys and I love singing."I smile.

"Thanks hyung."

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