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pleased with herself, juliet decided that it was acceptable to go talk to the boys now. she looked at the time, it was only 4:46 pm. this gave her some time to chat up the boys before it was time to go. she stepped out of her room. her heart began to race. she wasn't ready to see paul yet. she still had to talk to john, who was practically her right hand man. she quickly paced out of her apartment, trying to avoid paul. she sighed in relief once she stepped outside. her first step was to talk to john, and then go see ringo and george. she walked into johns apartment. she didn't see him in the living room, which is where he always is. she furrowed her brows in confusion. as she closed the door behind her, she turned around to see john stepping of his bedroom. she gasped in excitement.

"you look so good!" she complimented happily, walking towards him with a hug.

as john saw her, he was at a complete loss for words. she had looked completely different than yesterday. not that she wasn't always beautiful, but he wasn't used to the more exaggerated version of her. he hugged her back, his expression still staying in shock.

"yeah. you look good too." he shortly responded.

they pulled away while juliet scoffed.

"wow. aren't you happy to see me?" she asked him.

john shook his head, trying to shake out all his shock out of him.

"yeah! sorry, it was just a long day at work." he bluffed.

she nodded her head, not wanting to continue whether or not he was lying.

"well, i did all this for paul..." she started.

john let out a soft sigh, that either juliet didn't notice or didn't care for.

"do you think he'll like it? i picked it out with george yesterday, and he said he'd like it. but i wanna know what you think." she asked, eagerly wanting his opinion.

he nodded his head with a smile.

"yeah, not only paul but i'm sure all the guys at the party are going to be all over you." he responded to her.

she chuckled.

"well, you'd better be my bodyguard, then!" juliet laughed out.

he laughed with her, and they chatted for a few minutes together before george and ringo had came in unexpected. george was wearing a dark suit, while ringo wore black jeans with an open black fancy vest and a white dress shirt.

"hey john, who's-" ringo began, before juliet turned to see them and he had realized it was her.

he widened his eyes in shock.

"jules! you look so good!" ringo complimented with an innocent smile.

ringo was practically like juliet's younger brother. she just wanted to take care of him and make sure nothing bad happened to him.

"thanks, rings. you too!" juliet responded, smiling sweetly.

"what'd i tell you, rich? thats all my work." george commented.

juliet punched his arm playfully.

"sod off! you were practically drooling over the cashier while i chose the dress." juliet protested.

george shook his head.

"but? what if i said no to the dress? then ringo wouldn't be as impressed." george said confidently.

juliet rolled her eyes playfully

"oh yeah, because i'm trying to impress ringo." she responded sarcastically.

"hey!" ringo defended.

not that anybody was really insulting him anyways.

"hey, we should get going now. has anybody seen paul?" john asked.

they all shook their heads and decided to move from johns to paul's to see if he was ready. once they had all migrated, paul stepped into the living room, where they all were. juliet was stunned by paul. he was wearing white vest and pants. the lining of the vest was black and he was wearing a black dress shirt. juliette decided to play it cool.

"paul! you actually cleaned yourself up. i'm... impressed." she joked around with him, a smile tugging on her face.

paul could barely even remember what words were, he was so taken aback. he was used to her wearing big sweaters or a loose shirt tucked in with some jeans. but this was far more than he ever expected. she was always beautiful to him, but this was a different version of her that he never envisioned before.

he began to laugh, trying to also play it cool.

"wow, thanks for that. just remember who got you into this party in the first place." paul replied to her.

they both chuckled together before paul had realized that the limo was probably already downstairs.

"shit! okay, i'm pretty sure the limo is already downstairs, so we'd better hurry." paul advised, rushing them out of his shared apartment.

he locked the door behind him, which reminded everyone else to lock their doors. they rushed to the elevator and then to the limo.

everyone climbed into the limo, george toppling over john. they all laughed momentarily before everyone sat properly. john was in the middle of george and ringo, while paul and juliet sat across from them.

they all began to chat with one another. paul was a little bit tipsy already, juliet could smell the vodka in his breath. their legs grazed eachother and juliet felt herself become nervous. she immediately looked up to john, who was identifying their body language. he gave her a thumbs up, so she wasn't so nervous. she went back onto her conversation with paul, trying to ignore their legs touching. paul began to rest his hand on her thigh. if there was anything paul was the absolute best at, it was seducing women. he assumed she knew what was happening. but if she was honest, juliet had only ever had sex twice and it was both with her uni boyfriend. when they did, they were already incredibly deep in their relationship. but it was more of a 'we should do it because couples do it' instead of a sexual tension thing. so having something like this happen to her, she felt like a uni student all over again. all the confusing about feelings and becoming nervous of having sex.

'this is just great.' she thought to herself.

gratefully, the limo came to a hault. this meant it was time for the real party.

my boy ↝ paul mccartney (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now