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juliet blinked as if she were dreaming. since had basically drowned him from her thoughts, it was almost like a fictional character coming to reality. she had absolutely nothing to say. she could only stare at him. she was fully frozen. she clutched onto the towels as if they were her life source.

he stared back at her, also very shocked with her arrival. he had absolutely no idea what he should say to her. juliet pursed her lips, walking over to him as she tucked the towels in her right arm. he gave her a gentle smile, expecting her to greet him kindly. she slapped him across the face ferociously.

"one of us is moving out by the end of next week. let me know who it's gonna be, tomorrow." she notified quietly.

juliet then walked away from the scene, leaving her flat. she held in tears, as she didn't want show she cared or to worry ringo any longer. she walked back into george/ringo's flat to see ringo, putting away the last basket of laundry.

"wow, who knew george had so many dirty shorts?" he questioned, laughing at himself.

juliet laughed, wiping away her tears quickly.

"i knew. well- i assumed." she admitted with a chuckle.

just then, george and john had walked in the apartment.

"oh, george! we were just talking about your dirty shorts." juliet teased.

george huffed playfully.

"well, they're clean to me. sounds like you have have an ocd problem." george defended.

john shook his head.

"no, i've seen your shorts. they're dirty as shit." john justified juliet and ringo.

juliet and ringo laughed as george pouted.

"cmon george, no time for pouting." john teased.

"aw! quit bugging me for a sec, yeah?" george whined out.

the rest of them laughed.

"hey, we should go to a pub tonight! celebrate!" ringo suggested enthusiastically.

they rest of them agreed, ditching their plans to the restaurant. they then walked out of ringo's apartment and to their local pub. they immediately headed to the bar.

"i'll have some white win-" john began, before being interrupted by george.

"aye! we should share some shots, as a start." george suggested.

they all agreed.

"okay. i take that back. i'll have a couple of shots of whiskey." he tipped the bartender.

the bartender paid attention to both directions, giving him both a glass of white wine and shots. john cursed under his breath, knowing he would have a lot of things on his tab by the end. they all clinked their shots.

"to juliet!" george shouted out.

"to juliet!" the rest of them chanted back out.

they drank their shots quickly. ringo and juliet shook their heads in disgust.

"that was really strong." ringo thought aloud.

john and george laughed, since they enthused about the taste of whiskey quite often. they all began to talk between themselves, ranting about work and other things.

"hey, i have a question for you all. if you don't mind talking about it." juliet began.

they all turned their attention her.

"a-are you guys ever planning on being friends with paul again?" she asked carefully.

ringo began to laugh.

"i don't even know. we bumped into each other awhile after i found out. i punched him, and told him to go fuck himself." he told, chuckling at his own antics.

juliet shook her head, a smile tugging on her lips.

"oh, rings." she sighed out.

"well, i've talked to him a bit since it's happened. i mean- i've kept my distance. but, i've know the guy since i was a little one. its hard." john justified himself.

"yeah. i haven't said anything to him. i've smiled maybe once or twice. my mum loves him..." george added.

juliet tensed up, nodding her head. she wasn't mad at either of them. george and paul met through primary school, so it was already a pretty long time. but paul and john met at birth through their mothers, who were sisters in-laws before their unfortunate passings.

"well, i think you guys should be friends with him. i probably will be - but it's gonna take a long time." she advised.

they all nodded.

"we just want what's best for you." ringo sympathized.

"okay, enough with the sappy shit!" george interefered, ordering another round of shots as they began to talk excitedly about random topics.

a few hours passed, and juliet was pissed. she would constantly interrupt others conversations, and would begin talking to people she had never met before. george enjoyed it, but john was slightly concerned. he had never seen her so drunk before. he believed it was to escape thinking of paul. he sighed, deciding he should escort her home. he brought her away from a conversation with a bunch of truckers, and offered her a walk home.

"no! i'm having a fun time." she refused.

"yeah, but it's getting late." he informed.

she rolled her eyes.

"okay then, dad. escort me home." she cheekily accepted.

she walked home with john, often stumbling over a bit. john had to actually pick her up as he walked her up her flat. once they made it to her floor, she set herself down.

"okay! you can buzz off, now. i know where my house is." she giggled out.

john gave her a small smile.

"get a good rest." he advised, before walking back downstairs.

juliet walked in, forgetting that she had a roommate. she sat down on her floor as she began to take off her shoes. paul arrived at the scene, stepping outside his room.

"a-are you alright..?" he questioned quietly, hearing her fall.

she looked up at him and began to laugh.

"why do you care?" she asked him smartly.

he sighed.

"i care about you, jules. you never gave me a chance to talk about anything-" he began before being interrupted.

"what's there to say?! 'oh, i cheated on you because jane asher is better than you!' 'oh, i cheated on you because you're boring now!'" she mimicked, standing back on her feet.

he shook his head.

"those were never the reason!" he defended.

"bullshit! jane is a fucking model. you had the opportunity to shag an a-list celebrity while i was gone, so you took it. you're paul mccartney, what the hell did i expect?! you don't LOVE anybody! you can say you love them, if it gives you a shag." she began to rant.

he was deeply offended by that statement. he began to argue back at her, defending himself the best he could. the intensity and anger that both of them ever held in, was getting let out at that current moment.

"what are you trying to say?" he questioned her, his voice loud.

"the one thing i've been wanting to say since i saw you: fuck you, james paul fucking mccartney." she stated, her voice filled with anger.

maybe the tension and rage did something for the two of them, or it was a spur of the exact moment thing, but paul began to kiss juliet. passionately.

and she kissed back.

my boy ↝ paul mccartney (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now