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juliet couldn't do anything but stare in horror, with tears in her eyes. the man she had trusted, despite seeing the playboy he was beforehand. despite being warned, she dated him. she spent time telling him all her secrets. she felt as if she was truly connecting with him. she may have loved him.

"excuse me." juliet excused herself, walking out the door calmly.

it was clear that jane didn't recognize that paul and juliet were an item of romance. although, there's a photo of them on the fridge together. juliet had came to paul's work once while jane was there. but perhaps jane forgot that. seeing as she mistook juliet's name for julianne. or maybe, she knew and mistook her name on purpose. to rub it in. whatever the case was, it still hurt like a ton of bricks.

once she had closed her door, she frantically knocked on george's door. she was praying him or ringo would open the door. since she knew john was already asleep. tears began to stream down her face, and she would sniffle every couple of seconds. gratefully, george opened the door.

"we don't want any-" he began to speak, before seeing juliet.

she immediately began to sob loudly in his arms. he protectively pulled her in, closing and locking the door. he didn't want whoever had hurt her to chase after her. assumingly, it was paul. but george kept that to himself. he hugged onto her tightly, shushing her and trying to get her calm.

but in just the room next door, nobody seemed worried. jane sipped her milk shamelessly, confused about the situation. once finished, she placed the cup gently in the sink. she walked back into paul's room, taking her robe back off. paul, who had been completely dozing off, was incredibly happy to see her. he smirked, beginning to immediately kiss onto her neck cheekily. jane giggled before speaking up.

"yknow, your roommate just came home. she was so disturbed by me being naked, she ran right off!" she told playfully, laughing afterwards.

paul's smirk immediately faded against her skin. he pushed himself off of her. he looked at her in shocked.

"i- uh. you need to go..." he awkwardly informed, looking away from her. he began looking for at least some sweatpants and a shirt.

jane furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"you were fine just a second ago. is there something i don't know about?" she questioned, annoyed.

paul was irritated by the questions. his mind felt as if the land around him was collapsing at his feet.

"just piss off!" he yelled, looking at her with fire in his eyes.

jane was taken aback. he had never yelled, nonetheless in front of her. paul looked down.

"i'm sorry... i just- yes. there's a lot of things you don't know about. i can explain it all later, at work. just, you have to go." he explained, running a hand through his black hair.

jane huffed, slipping on her dress and nodding her head. she walked out the room and left the flat. paul sat down on the bed, sitting for a moment. he couldn't imagine what juliet was doing right now.

juliet was still sobbing with george. ringo was also sitting beside her, hearing her when she had came in. they rubbed her back, trying to get something out of her. but every word she spoke left more and more tears.

"here, why don't we try this? we ask you a name or situation, and shake your head yes or no." he suggested.

juliet sniffled, nodding her head in agreement.

although george got an idea of what was happening, he didn't want to say it right away. ringo was confused and had no idea what was happening.

"um... death?" george asked.

juliet shook her head.

"a fight?" ringo asked.

juliet sighed, shaking her head. george decided to break the questioning.

"paul?" george asked, tensing up.

juliet winced, nodding her head.

ringo then understood, standing up.

"i'll go at 'em." ringo threatened hoarsely.

juliet shook her head, resting on george's shoulder and letting the tears silently fall on her face.

"no. i don't want him to know i care. i just want him to know i know." she explained, sniffling throughout.

ringo sat back down.

"what good does that do?" he asked.

"because if he doesn't give a crap about me, i shouldn't show that i care." she added on angrily.

they nodded sympathetically.

"i'm gonna be honest. i feel like shit because... i heard them. but i thought it was just paul watching porn." george admitted, chuckling slightly.

juliet laughed before wincing, looking down in pain.

"i just don't understand. i thought everything was going great. you guys saw it. what did i do wrong?" she ranted, questioning herself.

ringo and george interfered.

"hey. you didn't do anything wrong." george responded harshly.

"yeah, jules. paul has a problem. that's on him for being an arse. never blame yourself." ringo empathized.

juliet sniffled, hugging ringo momentarily.

"thank you guys, really." she thanked, sitting back down.

they shook their heads, indicating that its no problem.

"is it alright if i crash here awhile? i hate the thought of me even going in that flat." she asked, her eyes remaining red from crying.

george nodded his head.

"of course, love. don't mention it." he obliged.

they went back into their rooms, ringo had given juliet one of his bigger shirts to sleep in. she laid on their couch. trying to sleep, her thoughts consumed her. she couldn't stop thinking about what she did wrong. why she wasn't enough. why he chose jane asher. she began to cry. she felt absolutely gutted. she felt absolutely stupid. she wanted to go to him and yell at him until she couldn't yell anymore. but alas, she couldn't. she could only cry until she eventually passed out.

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