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a month has passed by, and their sex began to regularly occur. they both promised each other to keep it secret from the boys and to not talk about it afterwards. juliet continuously denied to herself that they were friends with benefits. she saw it more as a fling. it was currently the afternoon, and juliet groggily walked over to george and ringo's house. she opened the door, rubbing her eyes.

"ay? how was last night?" george asked her deviantly.

juliet blushed in embarrassment, before realizing that he was just referring to the noise. nobody knew. she felt devious. she chuckled.

"so fun. 10/10." she answered, not sure herself if she was being sarcastic or not.

juliet realized it was george's birthday.

"oh! happy birthday, you tosser." she congratulated, going up to hug him.

george laughed, messing up her hair.

"thanks, you git." he thanked as he hugged her.

ringo walked in, his hair incredibly messy.

"oh, and last night wasn't any better that i had to deal with ringo and paul. christ, i cant catch a break." george ranted.

ringo gave him the finger playfully.

"it was your early birthday present." he replied.

"also, just go back to pattie; if you have such a problem." ringo added cheekily.

george looked shocked. juliet let out a stifled laugh.

"oh, real nice. she's still with eric, for your information." george informed, irritated.

they all began to converse with one another, about work and such. juliet wanted to bring up her and paul so badly, but she knew it would cause too much worry. considering the last time they were public, paul cheated on her. not to mention they weren't even dating. her thoughts were interrupted by paul and john, who had walked into the room.

"howdy, you're old now." paul greeted them.

"what are we, fucking americans?" george questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"yeehaw." john commented.

"oh, and thanks for the reminder! i don't know what changed but, 26 feels old." george detailed.

they all sat around and decided to play uno. they all picked up seven cards and began. after a few minutes, george and juliet were both down to two. juliet put down a blue eight.

"uno!" she blurted out.

"shit!" george exclaimed as he picked up another card.

they all laughed and after another round, juliet finally won. they congratulated her, besides george. he was bitter.

"on all days, my birthday is the day i lose." he complained.

"hey, cheer up. i'll take us to dinner. and pay." john offered.

george's face lit up.

"really, mate?" he questioned with a smile.

john nodded his head.

"yeah! we can go right now, if you guys would like." john explained.

the rest nodded their head.

"yeah!" ringo agreed.

"i'm in my pyjamas, though." juliet interfered.

john shook his head.

"if george doesn't care, neither should you." john advised with a chuckle.

she shrugged. they all stood up, juliet stretching. they all began to walk to a fancy restaurant, about five minutes from their flats.

they waited for their table, george becoming impatient. after ten minutes of waiting, they were able to finally be seated. they all seated themselves, before a familiar voice chirped.

"george? oh my gosh! happy birthday!" she spoke, leaning down and giving him a side hug.

"oh, uh... thanks, pattie." he thanked, giving her a very gentle side hug.

"yeah... happy birthday." another voice mumbled.

"thanks, mate." he thanked eric.

they had a small conversation, that lasted two minutes. they then dispersed. the rest of the group began to giggle childishly.

"oh, what?" george asked, annoyed.

"oh, i hope you have a nice night pattie! make it the best ever!" paul mimicked george, chuckling afterwards.

"like that's any better than 'fuck, i'm cumming. oh shit!'" george retorted, mocking paul's musings last night.

juliet began to blush, looking away and distracted herself by calling over a waiter. paul began to chuckle to himself. juliet began to feel her craving for him again.

"well, at least i get action." paul justified.

george rolled his eyes, before the waiter began to take their orders. they all ordered fairly big things. besides juliet, who just asked for wine and an appetizer. maybe if she was drunk enough, she wouldn't care if she did it with paul in the loo. or in the road. a few minutes pass and their orders finally arrive.

"finally, some good fucking food." george mumbled under his breath.

they all went fairly quiet, trying to finish their food. but george on the other hand, began to eat and talk at the same time.

"george, i'm going to vomit. please chew with your mouth closed." juliet pleaded.

ringo agreed, as he was looking away.

"it's so nasty." he added on.

george rolled his eyes before he began to chew with his mouth closed. he swallowed.

"happy?" he asked rhetorically.

a few minutes went by, and juliet decided to go to the loo. she did her business, before checking herself in the mirror. as she did, another person walked in. it was paul. once the door fully closed, she wasted no time with him. she threw herself on him, as he began to unbuckle his pants. they stumbled into a stall and immediately began at it. but this time, juliet began to kiss him passionately. he kissed her back.

'maybe it's the booze' juliet thought to herself.

but she was lying. she was barely even tipsy. it all connected to her now. truthfully, juliet felt that this was the closest she would be to a relationship with him again. she was lying when she said she didn't miss him. she constantly missed the dates they would go on, the cheeky jokes he would make to her. and, she missed not feeling guilt every time she had sex with him. they finished after a few minutes, and he left immediately. he gave her a cheeky grin. it then hit her. this was more than a sex craving. this was a craving for paul mccartney.

'fuck, i love him.' she thought to herself.

my boy ↝ paul mccartney (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now