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she headed to her apartment, and she didn't see any paul. she shrugged, and decided to shower and brush her teeth. she got into her sleepwear and headed back out onto the living room. it was now 4:00 pm. she pondered for a curious moment, wondering where he could be. that was when he stepped out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes lazily. her breath began to fasten. for just waking up, he was really hot. she cursed himself for how many mornings she had spent with a sleepy paul going unappreciated. but, she had no time to be attracted to him like this right now.

"hey." he uttered out shyly, afraid of the backlash he could receive.

"hi." juliet responded flatly, looking down.

the air was tense for a moment.

"can you tell me why you did - that, last night?" juliet asked.

"honestly, i was stupid and drunk. i thought maybe if i went with jane, my career would be helped. but it didn't help, and it will never happen ag-" paul confessed before being interrupted.

it had sounded recited. he's obviously had to apologize for things like this before. juliet shook her head.

"no, i'm not talking about jane. i'm talking about us - in the limo?" she referred.

paul nodded his head.

"because, you looked- look good. juliet, you're seriously gorgeous. i wanted to be with you, that night. but i guess my curiosity got the best of me." he stammered.

juliet furrowed her brows. she didn't know how good she felt about that response. he then walked up to her slowly.

"we redo that night, shall we?" he asked in a soft spoken voice.

he tucked juliet's hair behind her ear. she began to blush. juliet stepped back.

"what do you say we do?" she asked.

"everything we should've done." paul responded with a smirk.

and with that, they began blasted the radio. bless their landlord for being so easygoing with loud music. they drank any sort of alcoholic drinks that they had, and had a fun time. they danced, shared their secrets, ranted about work and life. juliet was genuinely having a fun time. the radio became quiet, which they quickly caught on to. she turned around and stood up, about to change the station. until, something by george arias started to play. she gasped, since she had loved the song so deeply. she turned to paul, who stood up slowly and invited her to dance.

they began to slow dance together. they felt at peace. paul's breath climbed on her neck. she felt her heart began to beat faster. she could never understand how he felt so sensational whenever she was ever intimate with him. he felt like a drug to her. she couldn't get enough. she then turned around and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. paul began to do what he had been waiting to do since they had met. he immediately began to kiss and suck onto her neck, while his hands roamed under her loose shirt. juliet let out soft moans of his name. after a few minutes of paul making hickeys on her neck, she grew impatient. she pulled him in her room, knowing that george wouldn't be able to hear them. john might, but he would probably be sleeping at this hour. she pushed him on the bed and began to straddle him. he flipped them over, so he was on top. he pinned her hands over her head.

"tell me what you want." he ordered.

juliet gulped.

"w-what are you on about?" she questioned.

"tell me what you want. use all the dirty words. i'll do anything you want me to." he promised, whispering into her ear.

he was caressing her thigh, teasing the spot she craved he touched the most. she shook her head.

"that's ridiculous." she responded, squirming in attempts to continue making out so they could become closer to having sex.

he shook his head, letting go of her hands and beginning to just barely rub over her clit.

"well, then i'll be on my way out if it's so 'ridiculous'." he noted.

she shook her head, whining. she was easily succumbed in his madness.

"i-i want you to fuck me, paul." she admitted, looking up at him.

he smirked, kissing her cheek.

"your wish is my command, princess." he finalized.

y'all see what i did there with george arias😎

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