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juliet spent her week doing absolutely nothing. she took the rest of the week having sick days. which was allowed, with the promise that she would be working extra shifts when she returned. her week consisted of having a bowl of cereal, watching a bit of telly and sleeping. she didn't converse with george and ringo too much. a few polite conversations. they always reminded her that they were there for her. she knew, but she just had no words. currently, juliet was watching the telly. it was 6am. ringo had just left, and george would be getting out of bed soon. john often picked him up, if george accepted a car ride from john. a string of commercials began to play on the telly. juliet groaned. she stood up, stretching for a few seconds before walking to the kitchen for some cereal. she poured the cereal in before the milk, watching as it filled up the bowl. john walked in, surprised to see juliet awake. it had been a week since they last saw each other.

"julie, hey." he greeted softly, smiling gently.

"hi." juliet greeted back shortly, trying to stuff down her cereal.

john was in pain, seeing as she was in a horrible state. she may not have seen it for herself, but john knew what it was like from past experiences. he walked up to her and hugged her, kissing her forehead softly. juliet immediately began to tear up. nobody has done that to her since the last time she had seen paul. she put down her bowl, beginning to hug him tightly. silent tears stained on his shirt. they eventually pulled away, smiling at each other.

"thank you, john." she thanked.

"you know i'm there for you." he responded.

juliet couldn't be more grateful for john and the rest of the boys. she began to open up about her week, and she how she was feeling. he understood her and listened.

"hey, you haven't been out in a while. why don't we go out to dinner with rings and george?" he suggested kindly.

juliet nodded her head, smiling at him.

"that sounds lovely. of course i will." she accepted his offer.

john looked joyous to hear her response.

"wonderful! as soon as me and george get back, we can get going." he informed.

they talked for a bit more, about what john's been up to. that was up until george came out, unexpectedly. he was all ready for work. neither juliet nor john had even heard him get up. george was surprised to see juliet up.

"juliet! hey." he greeted.

"hello, geo-gry." she greeted back with a smirk.

george smiled at his mispronunciation.

"back to the good old jules..?" he questioned, a smile tugging on his face.

"you know it." she answered confidently.

"well, we'd love to stay but work starts in twenty." john interrupted the two.

juliet sighed, hugging the two of them at once before pulling away.

"have fun at work." she teased the two, going back to the couch as they walked out of the door.

juliet spent a few hours watching the telly. although she was doing the same thing as she did yesterday, she felt refreshed. she hadn't even said more than three sentences daily until now. she felt as if her skin shed. she was almost baffled by the person she was just a few hours ago. she decided that it was time to get ready. she went into the washroom, scaring herself with her reflection. her hair was a mess, and she had realized she had never washed off her makeup from the week before. she immediately began to wash her face, before brushing her teeth. there was an extra toothbrush, just for her at their house. which she was blessed to have. she searched for a hairbrush for a few minutes and gratefully, found it. she brushed her hair, which had taken forever to do. she then began to shower, feeling good about herself for once. once she got out, she put it up in a towel and wrapped another towel around her body. she decided that she would help out the boys with their laundry and other chores. she blasted the radio, beginning to yell out the words of the song currently playing. it was 'say you'll be there' by spice girls was playing. she began to dance a bit, before her towel slipped. coincidentally, ringo was just walking in from coming back to work. they both screamed. ringo shunned his eyes, and juliet collected her towel. she rushed to the radio, lowering the volume.

"rings! you never come home this early!" she exclaimed, surprised.

"oh. pete got sick, so we couldn't perform." he explained, confusion in his voice on many levels.

"a-are you better now?" he asked innocently.

juliet laughed, walking up to him and hugging him. ringo tensed up, hovering his hand over her so he didn't make her uncomfortable; as she was still in a towel.

"yes, rings. thank you for taking care of me." juliet thanked, pulling away from him.

ringo smiled at her.

"it's never a problem. its the least i can do, for my youngin'." he passed off.

they talked for a bit while juliet put away a few dishes. she felt her towel slipping once again. she sighed.

"one second, ringo. i'll be right back. i have to get a change of clothes or something. this towel is driving me insane." she explained with a chuckle.

ringo nodded with understanding, and he began to change the radio station. pop songs annoyed him more than anything.

juliet walked out of his apartment, and into her own. the smell and look of her flat felt foreign to her. she looked around, as seemingly everything was untouched. it was incredibly quiet in her house. assumingly, her roommate wasn't in the house for the week she was. she felt herself becoming a little emotional, so she quickly recollected her thoughts and began to walk to her room. she picked out a simple pink tank top with a jean skirt. she wrapped around a belt on her skirt and put on a pair of converse. she took out her towel in her hair and brushed through it. it was almost fully dry, and she could deal with that. she twirled herself in the mirror, impressed with herself. she felt completely over the situation now. she quickly folded her towels to retrieve back to ringo. she walked out of her room, excited to show ringo her outfit.

once she walked outside of her room, she saw paul; who had just walked in.

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