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juliet spent the next day or two avoiding paul. which meant, she just took a bunch of shifts in the diner. it was now eight in the morning, and juliet was finally off. on her way back from the house, she bumped into maureen cox. she was taken aback, not having seen her in so long.

"oh, my! julie, what a sweet surprise!" she greeted, going in to hug her.

juliet hugged her back, finding comfort in another girl for once. she loved the boys, but absolutely nobody could relate to her feminine problems. she decided then that she would confide in her.

"hey, do you have a minute for coffee?" juliet questioned, raising a brow.

maureen seemed ecstatic.

"of course! i was just on the way there!" she giggled out.

they began to chat a bit over work and how much has changed since they last saw each other. maureen was truly kind, that's why it was strange for her to break up with ringo so abruptly. they ordered their coffees before sitting down.

"so, i wanted to ask for a bit of advice." juliet began.

"ooo, always!" maureen enthused.

juliet chuckled.

"okay, so. i dated this guy for a bit, yeah? before i realize he was cheating on me." she started, maureen giving her a pitied look.

"then, we started shagging and now - i think i love him. but a few days ago, i saw him with another girl. i have no clue what to do." she confessed.

maureen nodded her head.

"i'm so sorry to hear that, babes! don't worry, i've been in a situation like this." she began.

"honestly, he probably loves you back. men are stupid, so they try and get other women to try and drown their love out. it never works!" she ended with a laugh.

juliet laughed with her.

"thank you, maureen." she thanked gratefully.

"it's nice to talk to a girl other than my mother." she spoke with a laugh.

maureen giggled.

"aw, tell richy and the rest of 'em that i say hi. i'm off." she bade farewell, blowing juliet a kiss.

juliet nodded her head, waving at her as maureen walked off. she decided she would stay there for a bit, finishing up her coffee. she tried debating in her head what she would say or how she would do it. it wasn't like it would be super awkward. they still would talk like best friends when they gave each other the chance. but how was she able to confess without him feeling like they were about to shag? she began to grow frustrated. she decided she would just confess the old fashioned way. juliet stood up, walking out of the shop and into her apartment building. as she walked up the stairs, she saw george being chased by ringo.

"give that back, you wanker!" ringo shouted as he chased george down the stairs.

george giggled, holding a piece of paper. just as they passed juliet, she grabbed the paper. they both seemed shocked. she skimmed through the words, before ringo snatched it from her.

"thank you!" he sighed out, hugging her.

george rolled his eyes.

"spoil sport." he murmured.

"what are you guys doing off of work?" juliet questioned them.

ringo shrugged.

"i'm not playing a gig today. i don't know why he's off." ringo answered.

"oh, i took a day off." george sneered.

juliet rolled her eyes playfully.

"one day, you're going to get genuinely sick and not be able to stay home from how many days you take off." juliet warned.

"i'll take my chances." george teased.

"anyways, we were about to check out that new fast food bar. wanna come?" ringo invited.

juliet blushed, realizing what she was going to do.

"no, i have stuff to do. maybe i'll see a bit later." she rejected, walking up the stairs.

they waved at her before taking off themselves. juliet quietly walked into her flat, hearing nothing but a very static radio. she probably forgot to turn it off. she walked into her room, lazily taking her uniform off and into a big fleece sweater, going to her shoulders and reaching down to her knees. she walked out, in hopes she would see paul. to her surprise, she saw him putting away some dishes.

"hey!" she greeted kindly.

"hi!" he greeted back.

"feels like forever." he brought up with a chuckle.

she felt more at ease, knowing he treated her more like a friend than an item of sex. they began to talk for a bit about the radio and television.

"so, i've been meaning to talk to you about something." juliet began, becoming flustered.

he came over to her and began to kiss onto her neck.

"oh, i know you miss it. be patient." he chuckled out.

"thanks for the coffee, by the way." he thanked slyly.

she closed her eyes in bliss, before shaking her head.

"um, paul. thank you, but no." she awkwardly denied, pushing herself away.

paul seemed surprised, knowing that she easily went with whatever paul did. he tried pulling himself back in.

"oh, what is it? we can't have a quick shag?" he questioned, nipping at her ear.

she shook her head.

"n-no, paul." she rejected again, stepping away and hitting her foot against a chair accidentally.

"why?" he questioned.

juliet became overly stressed. her thoughts coming at her, paul coming at her and her damned foot hurt.

"because i'm in love with you paul!" she exclaimed.

it went quiet for a while, staring back at each other.

"i'm in love with you, and i don't want to do this anymore unless - we're more than this." she repeated.

paul looked down for a bit, staying completely silent. he looked back up with tears in his eyes. she grew excited, maybe they could finally be together after all this. peacefully.

"i'm sorry, juliet. i cant do this right now." he responded, walking back into his room quietly.

juliet stood there, tears swelling in her eyes.

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