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    "Do you still want to go swimming?" He asked. I want to, but I don't want to go down there if there's a lot of people there. "I don't think anyone else is there, but we can check if you want." He said I guess I don't have a very good poker face. "Yeah." I said. He stood up and reached his hand out to me, I took it and he helped me up. I intertwined our fingers together and gave his hand a small squeeze. We walked down to the lake and he was right there wasn't anyone down there. We went up to our room and changed. I was wearing red swimming shorts and a blue tank top with a jacket to cover my arms at least until we get there. Todoroki was wearing black swimming shorts with a white tank top.

    "Ready?" He asked I smiled. "Yeah." I said. He chuckled and grabbed my hand. "Lets go." We was walking to the lake. "Mr. Aziwa told me why we are actually here." He said when we got closer to the lake. "You mean he didn't do it out of the kindness of his heart shocker." I said and we both laughed. "But seriously why are we here?" I asked once we stopped. "The school is building dorms for all of U.A.'s students." He said and my heart literally stopped. I'll get away from him. "R-really?!" I said with happiness. "Yes!" He said back with just as much happiness. I couldn't form words I just jumped up and hugged him. He lifted me up and spun us around. He stopped spinning and kissed my nose and cheeks then my lips. "I'm so soo happy!" I said with a giggle. "I thought you would be." He said and put me down.

    We got to the edge of the lake and I took off my jacket and Todoroki took off his shirt. He was absolutely gorgeous. He looked over at me and smirked. "Like what you see?" He asked in a smart-ass time. I blushed, but smirked as well. "Well hell yeah I do. I mean damn icyhot I had no idea you looked this good." I said and licked my lips. He blushed and looked away. "S-shut up." He said. I laughed and slowly took my shirt off. I didn't look at him when I took it off. I heard him gasp and I was debating on putting the shirt back on or not.

    "Damn baby you was talking about me, but look at you." He said and I laughed a little. "I know your just trying me feel more comfortable, so thank you." I said. He put his arm on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "I'm serious." He said and kissed my forehead. "Now you know I love you right." He said. "Yeah." I said suspiciously. He smiled and kissed me. "Good." He said as he pushed me into the lake. When I came back up and glared at him. I motioned for him to come over here, he smiled and backed up a little. He ran forward and jumped in while screaming "CANNON BALL!" He jumped in right beside me. "You bastard." I said in pretend anger. I swam closer to him. "You know you love me. You done admitted it." He said with a smile. I smiled back and gave him a sly look. "Yes I do." I said I got closer to him. I kissed his nose and then pushed him under. He came back up and swam after me. That went on for a while.

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