~Twenty five~

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    I sat on the bed with my head on my knees crying. I know I'm worthless and I know I'm a useless waste of space....I know this... I also know that no one cares about me and that no one may ever care about me..... I started crying harder and I dug my nails into my thigh. I winced from the pain, but I didn't stop. I started scratching my wrists, very hard, making sure that I broke through skin. I saw blood, but still didn't stop. My mind blank the only thing I'm thinking is 'when will this end? When will I be okay?' And the only answer I can up with is never. I didn't here the bathroom door open, so when Todo came over it startled me. "Bakugou!" He tells. I didn't do anything...I couldn't do anything.. he grabbed my hands and stopped me from scratching. "Katsuki..." He said. "Baby, what happened?" He asked. "And don't tell me nothing." He added.

    He looked at my wrists then stood up, that knock me out of my daze. "Don't leave me." I whimpered. "I'm not leaving you. I'm getting the first aid kit." He said. He walked into the bathroom and got in a cabinet. He came back out with the first aid kit. He sat back down in front of me and, gently, grabbed one of my wrists. He put some medicine on it then wrapped it up and he did the same to the other one. He sat the kit on the nightstand, then turn towards me. "Now, baby please tell me what happened." He said. I opened my mouth to say something, but my words refused to come out. He reached up and wiped the, now dry, tears off my face. He caressed my face with both his hands. "I won't be mad and I won't judge you." He said.

    I leaned forward and laid my head on his chest. "E-earlier...I was walking back to the room, by myself, and-and I ran into-to th-that b-blonde hair guy-y from 1B....He and s-some of his-his bu-buddies s-started say-saying things." I said. "What did they say?" He said. I could hear a tinge of anger in his voice. "They-they said th-that I.......am a w-w-worthless f-f-f-faggot who shouldn't be alive. They said that nobody loves me and nobody ever will. Th-they said everyone would be h-happier if I wasn't here. An-and He was right." I said. He growled and moved me off of him. He stood up and started walking towards the door. I jumped up and stood in front of him. "W-wait." I said. "Move Bakugou." He said sternly. "N-no." I said. "Katsuki! Move." He said. I shook my head. "Don't...please..... I need you here with me.." I whispered. "I-I don't....I don't trust myself to be alone.." I whispered again.

    His facial features softened and he reached his hand out to me. I grabbed it and pulled him over to me. He hugged me and laid his head on top of mine. "Okay I'll stay.." He whispered into my hair. "...Thank you." I whispered. We stayed like that for a few minutes, when we pulled apart he kissed me. "I really want to beat his ass." He said. "I'd much rather you be here." I said. "I know." He said. "Let's go lay down." I said. He nodded his head and pulled me over to the bed with him. He laid down and then I laid on his chest. "I love you Shoto." I said. "I love you too Katsuki." He said. We talked for a while. "Are you ready for summer?" He asked. "No...I feel like we're going to have to go back home and I don't want that.." I said. "Are you?" I asked. "Mr.Azwia is having all of 1A stay here and do hero work. Not everyday, but most days." He said.

    We'll have to go home at some point and I can't always go to Todos house. His dad isn't to great himself. I nuzzled my face into his chest and sighed. "Goodnight Todo." I whispered and closed my eyes. "Goodnight Baku." He said.

                    Time skip  
When I woke up the next morning I wasn't on Todo anymore, instead I was beside him. I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at him. He's so cute. I moved the hair out of his face and smiled. I still don't know why this beautiful angel loves someone like me. He started to stir in his sleep. I just kept watching him. His eyes fluttered opened and yawned and stretched his arms out. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Morning sleeping beauty." I said. He smiled and kissed me. "Morning beautiful." He said and kissed me again. We shared a few kisses and got up. "Ugh! Do we have to go to school?" I whined. He chuckled and nodded his head. "Yes. It's the last day." He said. "Don't remind me." I said.

    He went over to my dresser and started going through my drawers. "What're you doing?" I asked curious. "Getting you out an outfit." He said. He pulled out a orange, long sleeve shirt and a pair of tight black ripped jeans. "Here hold these." He said. I grabbed the clothes and held them like he said. He went over to his dresser and grabbed him an outfit out. He got a red, long sleeve shirt and faded ripped jeans. He sat his clothes down and walked over to me. He lifted me up and started kissing me, I was shocked, but didn't complain. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started walking with me. He sat me down on top of his dresser. He smiled at me and went in for another kiss. He slid his hands down to the top of my pants and broke the kiss.

    "Let's lose these." He said. He slid my pants off and kissed me once more. He slid his hands under my shirt up my sides and across my chest. "This needs to go." He said. He slid my shirt off and then my boxers as well. "Better." He whispered. He kissed my cheek and my neck. He grabbed the clothes from beside me and grabbed the boxers. He slowly slid them on, his fingers lingering a second longer. He grabbed the pants and slid them on me, then the shirt. He kissed me once more and moved back. "Let me get dressed then we'll go." He said. I just sat there, unable to move. I heard rustling and then a chuckle. "Come on baby lets go." He said as he walked over to me. He helped me down and laced our fingers together. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Downstairs to eat, then to class." He said. "I..I'm not hungry." I said. He looked at me with a stern look. "Really?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. "Really." I said.

    "Well walk with me. I'm hungry." He said. "Okay." I said. He opened the door and walked out, dragging me along behind him. We went downstairs and he turned to me. "Are you sure you don't want to eat?" He asked. I shook my head. "Yeah I'm sure." I said. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead. "Why not? We always eat together." He said. "I.....I'm just not hungry." I said. He pouted. "Your going to make me eat by myself..." He said. "No, I'll be with you. I just won't eat." I said. He shook his head and pouted more. "It's not the same." He said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine. I'll eat a little bit." I muttered the last part. He smiled and kissed me.

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