~Twenty four~

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    "You can cook!" They both yelled. "Of course I can!" I said. "Really?!" Sero said. "Yes really! Anyone can cook even Sparky here could. It's not hard, you just have to follow the recipe." I said. "I can't..I always end up burning it." Mina said. "Yeah me too." Kami said. "Hey, I got an idea. Blasty can cook for us!" Mina said. I growled. "Will you quit volunteering me for shit!" I yelled. "Nope!" She said. "So it's settle, me and Kami will get snacks, Sero and Kiri will get drinks and Blasty can cook. Maybe Todo will help you." She said. "I didn't agree to any of this." I said. "Yeah, but you'll do it anyway." She said matter-of-factly. I gave up on arguing. "Whatever." I said with a sigh. "Yay! See told ya so." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Remind me again why I put up with your shit." I said. "Because deep down in that big heart of yours you love us and you know it." She said with a big smile. "Yeah? Says who?" I asked. "Says me." She said.

    I rolled my eyes and let a small smile creep onto my face. "And we love you too." She said. "Bakusquad for life!" She yelled and hugged me. "Yeah!" The other three yelled and jumped up to hug me as well. I just sat there and let them hug me. I actually enjoyed it, but I wasn't gonna let them know that. "Alright that's enough." I said. They still didn't let go. "I said that's enough!" I said and let off miniature explosions. They moved away and sat back down. "Alright well we should get some  rest tonight, we have a big tomorrow." Kiri said. They stood up and got ready to leave. "Bye Bakugou." Kami and Sero said. "Bye Bakubro!" Kiri said. "Nighty night Blasty!" Mina said. "Yeah whatever......goodnight." I said.

    They smiled and walked off. I rested my chin on my hand, which rested on the arm of the chair. My eyes scanned the room looking for Todoroki, I assumed he left, but I saw his bicolor hair. He looked up and locked eyes with me. He smiled and waved me over to him. I stood up and made my way over there. "Hey, come sit down." He said. I looked beside him, but didn't see any opened seats. He laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me down on his lap. "There, that's better." He whispered in my ear. "H-hey Kacchan." Deku said. "Hi Deku." I growled. Todo pinched my arm. "Be nice." He whispered. "Hello Bakugou." Iida said. "Hi Bakugou." Uraraka said. I just nodded my head. "Hello Bakugou!" Momo said cheerfully. "Hi." I muttered. Todo put his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me. I felt my face heat up, but I didn't move.

    Nobody was talking, it was dead silent in the group. "Y'all don't have to quit talking because I'm here!" I said. Todo chuckled. "We was just talking about the party." He said. "Y-Yeah." Deku said. "Oh." I said. "Pinky wants was wanting to know what kind of food everyone would like." I said. They seem to think about it for a second. "Hmm.. I like just about anything sweet." Uraraka said. "Yeah m-me to." Deku said. "I'd be fine with whatever she makes." Momo said with a smile. "As would I." Iida said. I clicked my tongue and turned my head toward Todoroki's a little. "What about you?" I asked.  "I don't know. Whatever she decides to have." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Well she isn't making it....I am." I whispered the last part. He looked shocked, but happy. "Then I'd definitely be okay with whatever you make." He said. "Shut it." I said as a blush crept on my face.

    He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "You two are so cute!" Momo said. I blushed even harder. Todo hid his face behind my head. "T-thank you." He said. I hid my face in my hands. "You can't just say thing like that!" I said flustered. They laughed their asses off. "Shut the hell up!" I yelled. They only laughed harder. After everyone had calmed down a bit Iida stood up. "Perhaps we should head to bed. We have school tomorrow." He said. Deku stood up. "Yeah, even though it's the last day we still need rest." He said. Uraraka and Momo stood up as well. "Yeah they're right." Momo said. I stood up and so did Todo. They exchanged goodnights and shit, then they left. "C'mon, explosion boy, lets go." He said. He grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him. He opened the door and walked in. "I'm gonna wash up before bed." He said. "'Kay." I said.

    He kissed my forehead and walked into the bathroom. I sat down the bed. I just sat there thinking. My life isn't totally shitty. I have some great friends and an amazing boyfriend. I love my friends no matter how goofy they are and they love me to. Do they though? I shook my head trying to shake that thought away. I have a great boyfriend that loves me. Does he really? I furrowed my brows and ignored that. My life is pretty good right now. No it isn't and it never will be. I'm away from my father and I won't see him anytime soon. Liar! I'm not alone.....I've realized that people might actually care about me. No they don't. No can love a fat, ugly, faggot like you! I'm not fat, and I'm loved by many. Your loved by no one! You don't even love yourself..... hell you don't even like yourself. I haven cut in a week and I'm eating better. It won't last. You know your fat and that you should lose a few pounds. You'll start back cutting to because your to big of a fucking pussy to end your life. No I won't. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I'm better now. That's a lie and we both know it. Todo has made me better. No he didn't. If he did I wouldn't be here. You know deep down that he don't love you he just feels sorry for you. There's no love here it's just pity. No it's not! I laid my head down and gripped my knees tighter. Nobody loves you. You own father doesn't even love you! He use to..... but then he realized what a big mistake you was. No that's not it! He just...He just... h-h-He... he what? Loves you? No that's bullshit. That blonde hair kid was right...everyone would be happier if you weren't here.. I-i....that-that....that's...true... I know.....

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