Part 1- Strangers and Blindfolds

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Part 1- Strangers and Blindfolds

"All right everyone listen up, I'm going to go over some quick rules" I down my drink as I look over at my best friend "Remind me again how you convinced me to come to this thing?" His puffy eyes and flushed face giggled "Come on y/n live a little" I shook my head as he draped his arm around my shoulders. "Jimin" he smiled down at me again "You owe me big time" I mumbled looking back at the handsome duo who were hosting this kinky show.

"Here are your blindfolds" I hesitantly took the blindfold from one of the gorgeous hosts "Thanks Joon" I mumbled as him and Jimin laughed. I glanced around the room there were a few unfamiliar faces and that made me kind of excited but also very nervous considering what we were about to partaken.

"So rules are, you have to keep these beautiful blindfolds on at all times. No peaking or cheating or I will personally kick your ass and kick you out" a few people laughed. "We will give everyone a five minute start time to go hide, reminder the lights will be off and you will be blindfolded so please do be careful...Namjoon" I smiled as Namjoon glared over at the older boy.

"You've already explored the house so you should kinda know your way around unless you've had one to many...Jimin"

My best friend giggled beside me, I laughed he seemed way too eager for this sex show to start. "Moving on to the next rule, you are not to ask names, this is a way to get to know each other on a more...intimate level" Jin smirked as he glanced around the room.

"However, if you do feel uncomfortable with something feel free to speak up but knowing you dirty bastards I'm sure this won't be an issue" again the room erupted in laughter.

"You can however exchange names and numbers once fun time is over Or if you want to keep it all a mystery sneak out and meet back in the living room before the timer goes off. Everyone understand?"

I glanced around the room licking my lips, this was a gorgeous group of people I'm not exactly sure how I fit in but nonetheless I'm excited to partake in such activities. It has been a while sense the last time I had any sexual encounters.

I glanced around as everyone started to put on their blindfolds, there were definitely more guys then girls in the room. I arched a brow, the odds of me finding a woman instead of a man seemed slim...but if it happened so be it. I'm open to the idea.

"I'm going upstairs so don't go there" Jimin whispered before putting his blindfold on "No my spot is up there so you stay down here"

The last thing I wanted was to fuck around with my best friend...I mean he's sexy as fuck don't get me wrong and we have actually made out a few times by drunken mistake...ugh his lips were incredible. But! Fucking him wasn't an option, I don't think either of us would come back from that. I slipped on my blindfold and tried to flatten my hair a bit "Okay now that everyone is blindfolded, strip."

My heart raced as a few people mumbled and others laughed out of excitement. I took a deep breath and then started to undress myself, my nipples hardened instantly at the cool air of the room.

"Okay put your hands out, I'm going to give each and every one of you a condom now. No bareback dirty bastards" I giggled, i had known Jin for a few years now but this whole side of him was new and pretty entertaining to be honest.

I gripped the condom from his hand and took another deep breath. "Okay your five minutes starts now" Jin shouted I stayed still and  listened to everyone's feet shuffle around the room trying to escape to their hiding spots. A few people bumped me and my skin felt on fire with every touch.

Once I was certain that most of the people had gone I slowly and carefully made my way up the stairs, I could hear a few hushed voices and giggles. One sounding just like Jimin, I made sure to go the opposite way of that all too familiar giggle.

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