Part 6- Sleepovers

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Part 6- Sleepovers

"Go ahead I'll lock up" Jimin said kissing my forehead and gently pushing me towards my room. What did I just do? Why did I agree to let this devil stay over?

To be honest it's not like we haven't had sleepovers before, it's a normal thing for any of my three besties to crash here when they wanted. So why the fuck was I so nervous and over reacting to this particular sleepover?

"Get it together bitch, reel those feelings and thoughts in and tuck them way deep down inside. We ain't doing this shit. Not tonight" I mumbled to myself as I jumped on my bed.

I stripped my sweats off and climbed into the middle of my kind bed. Wait maybe I should keep my pants on tonight...but it's so hard for me to sleep with them on. It's bad enough I have to sleep with a shirt on, freezing or not I preferred sleeping naked. Clothes just irritated me and would wake me up.

As I debated about this in my head Jimin made his way into my room. Fuck, too late.

He stripped his shirt off and then took off his own pants off and tossed them next to mine. Ugh this guy.

"Light" I said before he started making his way to me "I know" he teased switching the light off and walking over to the other side of the bed. I quickly took my bra off and tossed it aside, I could see Jimin licking his lips as he watched me.

I moved over to make some distance and pulled the covers up to my neck. Jimin chuckled and moved closer, his hand easily finding my waist and pulling me back towards him "I wanna cuddle, it's cold" he whines.

I exhaled and then give in, I allow him to hold me close to his chest. His nose brushed against my shoulder before he kissed my neck once more. I hate how weak that makes me, I could feel his hot breath against the shell of my ear and I swear my face went numb from the feeling.

His hand cups my hip and pulls it back towards him, I gasp a little as my ass brushes his bulge. His breath hitches as well, we both hold our breaths as he moves me back just a touch more.

I groaned slightly and he stiffens, his grasp holding me strongly in place. His hot breath is panting against my neck and I feel myself getting lost in his touch.

'Damnit y/n we were suppose to hold it together tonight' I mentally curse 


Again the way he said my name had my heart doing flips and my body growing weaker. His grip loosens so I turn slightly to face him. The room is dark but I can still make out his sharp features, he licks his lips and gently cups my face. I lay flat on my back now as he props himself up on his elbow and looks down at me.

Our eyes both search one another, the tension is growing and the feelings are lingering in the thick air. Neither of us have allowed ourselves to go there in such a long time...I don't want to be the one to break and make a mistake.

"Jimin" I whispered, I watch as he closes his eyes. His expression instantly changing "I know...but maybe...just one kiss?" He timidly asks.

It takes everything in me to hold back but the sad look in his eyes makes me push those feelings away. I cup his face and pull him to me, our noses brush against one another as our hot breaths tickle each other's faces. He makes the first move and brushes his plump lips against mine, they're so smooth against mine.

I feel his lips curve into a smile as mine do the same, god I could get lost in this boy so easily. Finally his lips cover mine, gently placing a few innocent kisses upon me. I part my lips slightly as his eager tongue glides across my lower lip and enters my mouth.

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