Part 5- tensions and more confusion

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Part 5- tensions and more confusion

"It could of been Hoseok.." I nodded thinking about his built "Possibly, there were four other guys though with a similar built. But I swear it was Jimin" Namjoon wiggles his brows at me as we both slipped into Jin's hot tub.

"Stop" I warned and he laughed, I moved closer to him so I was standing between his thick thighs, my boy had the most delicious looking thighs...

"So did you and Jin...or did you find someone else?" I whispered. Namjoon sighed and placed his hands on my hips moving me towards him "We May have found each other again...but only because he tipped me off as to where he would be waiting"

My smirk grew as I playfully shook his shoulders "Please just talk to him already, I ship you both so hard!" He laughed and I moved from his grasp just as Jin came out with a few cocktails

"Am I interrupting something?" Jin asked eyeing Namjoon's hands. "Why are you jealous?" I asked playing with namjoon's hair as he smiled up at me. Jin rolled his eyes and got in, I winked at namjoon and then took the seat next to him.

"Why would I be jealous? Don't you see this face? You'd be a fool to pick him over me y/n" I rolled my eyes with a smile in tact, namjoon was in a trance as he watched Jin closely.

His dimples deepened when Jin looked over at him, I glanced at Jin only to see his flustered face. "Yah!" He said splashing Namjoon "Stop it" namjoon blushed and I giggled quietly before taking a drink from the tray Jin brought out.

"Y/n, question" Jin said settling into the seat across from namjoon, his eyes stealing glances at Namjoon's pecks. The boy was thick in all the right places, I couldn't help but check him out from time to time myself. "Hmm" I said meeting Jin's eyes.

"Why the fuck are you so stupid?" I scoffed and splashed him as namjoon chuckled "Excuse me!"

Jin laughed "I'm just saying, both times you had the chance to take off your blindfold and see who you were fucking. So why the fuck didn't you?" I shrugged

"Well the first time, it added more excitement not knowing who it was and trying to figure it out later. Which I still don't know, I narrowed it down to two though. But the second time...I was scared" they both watch me closely

"What if it really was Jimin...god I can't even imagine taking that blindfold off and seeing his face. It would ruin our relationship" the two looked into each other's eyes for a short moment, thinking I wouldn't notice but I did.

"Or it could lead to something greater"

Namjoon mumbled, Jin looked at him with soft eyes but quickly looked away and downed his drink "Maybe...but I'm not sure I'm ready for that type of a relationship especially with Jimin...he's to...much" they both laughed "Well you could ask him you know" my eyes widened

"Chill out, I just meant ask him about what he did with his mystery girl. I mean only you two know what you guys did and where you did it. If his events sound similar than I'm pretty sure you got your answer babe"

"Hmm I might just do that...but only if you guys do something for me" I smirked at the two and Namjoon seemed nervous. I eyed him and arched my brow before turning to Jin's face, he seemed just as nervous

"Actually...never mind. I'm going to go but uh you two enjoy yourselves...maybe talk" I emphasized the last word before I got out of the hot tub and made my exit.

Later that evening

I was bundled on my couch messy bun glasses on and wrapped in a soft blanket reading through Namjoon's latest chapters for his newest novel. The man was a genius and had such a way with words. He always made me feel so emotional and empowered when I read his books. 

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