Part 7- on the hunt

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Part 7- on the hunt

"So...I sort of declared my love for Jin" I gasped and looked at Namjoon. The shy smile on his face and pink cheeks looked way too cute for his own good

"Wait seriously? How did it go?" I secretly crossed my fingers in hopes things went his way. The two had been best friends longer than you and Jimin, and they suited each other so well. Knowing what each other needed or felt just by looking at one another.

"Not so good at first, he keeps giving me these bullshit excuses as to why we can't be and why we can't work" he sighed as we reached the peak of the mountain we had been hiking.

I panted a little as we made our way over to a bench "He's just scared" I said sitting down, namjoon nodded in agreement and took a seat next to me.

"That's what I said, I called him out on his shit for once and then one thing lead to another" the smug look on his face had my mind racing. Those two in bed together would be such a hot show to see "And" I smirked nudging his side a little only making those adorable dimples deepen. "Well clearly we had a great night but after when we were cuddling he finally said he loved me back"

I could feel my heart swell when I looked at the dorky grin on Namjoon's face. You can just see the pure bliss radiating off him. I leaned in and hugged his much larger frame "I'm so happy for you two" he chuckled "Well we aren't official just yet, I mean we didn't put a label on anything but sense that night he won't let me go home"

We both laughed as he draped his arm around my shoulders "I just hope he doesn't freak out on me and think this is some kind of mistake...I don't think I can handle it y/n...I really love him and it would kill me if this ruined our relationship" I looked up at him knowing the bittersweet feeling. Jimin...

"I have a feeling things will work in your favor Joon, just keep reassuring him. You know how Jin can be" he groaned "Remind me again why I love him?" I laughed and got to my feet "Fucking beats me" we both smirked at one another and then did a few stretches. "Y/n take a few pictures of me will you?"

I laughed and did my best, I swear all three of my boys were camera whores. You'd think I'd be the one that would need them to take my aesthetically pleasing photos but nope I was always the one getting their perfect angles. I guess it did help that I was a professional photographer.

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

Namjoon nearly shouted making me jump as well as turning a few heads. "Jesus joon" I mumbled shoving his phone back into his chest. He laughed and followed me as we started our journey back "I found out who your mystery lover was"


Now I was the one turning heads.

He laughed and continued along the trail "Wait how? Who was it? It was Tae wasn't it? Wait or are you talking about the second party?" He laughed some more and grabbed onto my shoulders

"Breath y/n" I took a deep breath with him and then anxiously waited for him to continue "It's the first mystery man" I jumped a bit from excitement.

It seemed like ages ago sense I made love to that man "Well who is it?" He smirked and continued walking "So the other night me and Jin invited a few of the guys over and we got to talking and a certain someone slipped up"

I tugged his shirt sleeve "Come on just spill who was it" he laughed again and then looked down at me "Min...Yoongi"

My eyes widened and excitement filled my body, I could definitely see that. The low growls and moans definitely suited that smug face of his. "I'm guessing your pleased about it being him" I blushed a little.

"Maybe...Yoongi is fucking sexy" he laughed "Eh he's alright" I rolled my eyes "So when is the next party..." I asked thinking about Yoongi.

"I'm not sure, I'll have to talk to Jin" even just mentioning his name the smile on his face grew wider. "Damn boy your in so deep" we both laughed.

Two weeks later....

The request for Jin to throw another party multiplied, so Jin being Jin decided to make this particular party even bigger than the last. The location was grander than the last and the headcount doubled from the last party.

"Wait your actually charging people" I whisper yelled as I came up to the front door only to be greeted by my now new favorite couple. "Hey you suggested it, but don't worry pretty ladies like you don't have to pay" I rolled my eyes and kissed both their cheeks. "So Yoongi here"

Jin groaned "You told her!" Namjoon chuckled and kissed his cheek making him blush and look around "Relax babe, and yes I told her and yes he is here. He just went inside maybe fifteen minutes ago"

I took a deep breath and then walked inside. There was way more people than I had imagined, there definitely weren't going to be enough rooms and there definitely were going to be some threesomes.

"Looking for me?"

I smiled and turned "Hoseok" he smiled at the sound of his name "You look good y/n...but then again don't you always" I blushed, I decided to wear just a simple form fitting black silk dress tonight. Nothing too fancy or bright to make me stand out. I had only one person in mind tonight. Yoongi.

(The simple black silk dress your wearing)

"Can you believe all this?" We both looked around at the sea of people, he leaned in a bit closer

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"Can you believe all this?" We both looked around at the sea of people, he leaned in a bit closer. I smirked looking at his bare chest, he had three buttons undone on his dress shirt so you can sample the goods.

"I know, I didn't know these parties would grow so much...but there are a lot of good looking people" I mumbled scanning the room for Yoongi, I sighed and smiled up at Hoseok who was drooling over my cleavage.

I chuckled "Down boy" he blushed a little "Sorry, um...let me go get you a drink" I nodded and walked forward a bit. I could see Jimin leaning against a wall near the back door. He was talking up some blonde who's cleavage was just as exposed as mine and Jimin's eyes were glued.

I felt my chest ache but only for a second, what's done is done and I wasn't here for him. He had every right to flirt with whoever he wanted, plus she was gorgeous...far better looking than myself.

I headed towards the stairs to find where I wanted to sneak off to tonight. I rounded the corner and bumped into a firm chest "oh excuse me" we both mumbled, I looked up and smiled my heart speeding up just a bit



We both shyly smiled "Looking for your spot?" I asked licking my lips, his hair was darker than the last time I had seen him. It looked like he actually tried to style it this time too

"Maybe..." he stepped closer and I shuttered "Any good places?" He smirked as his Long cool fingers slide across my back, his hot breath against the shell of my ear

"fourth door..." I smiled as he cocked his head to the right. I glanced down the hall and felt a sudden thrill run through me.


A/N sort of a filler chapter teehee next chapter will be fun 😏

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