Part 8- It can't be...can it?

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Part 8- It can't be...can it?

Much like the last party the music was playing a bit too loud. More bodies meant more chances of running into people, I got chills each time I brushed against someone. I quickly grabbed the railing to the staircase and made my way up the stairs. Yoongi said the fourth door, I slid my hands along the wall and felt the doorknobs. I counted until I felt the fourth one.

I knew it was technically cheating but I wanted to have a second go at my first mystery man. I opened the door and felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind, I jumped and felt the goosebumps rise on my skin. So I beat him here...

"Lock the door" I breath, his hands leave me as he shut and locks the door behind us. I instantly miss his touch, I turn and reach out. My hands brush against his bare skin and it's like we both ignite in flames.

Before I can even think he lunges forward and his lips quickly find mine. I whimper into his mouth as his hands gently roam down my body, his tongue entangles with mine as my own hands roam the gorgeous body. I didn't expect Yoongi to feel so...defined?

My fingertips gentle flow against the ripple of his abs and suddenly I'm reminded of Jimin.

He faintly moans against my lips, we slowly part as our breaths echo in the dark space. His gentle touch tickles my sides and I could feel his smile taking over the room "Cute" he husks and my body stiffens.

My mind whirls as I replay the voice in my head but I'm quickly pulled from my spiral as his lips gently suck against my neck. I moan softly tilting my head to the side for better access, his lips curve into a smile against my skin.

My heart pounds more as I think about the hushed cute he mumbled just moments wasn't Yoongi's voice. I know that for a fact...

"Oh god" I mewl as his gentle kisses start to slowly drift down to my breasts, taking my hardened nipple into his hot mouth as his other hand palms my other breast. He bites and sucks making me unravel before him. I entangle my fingers through his thick hair, he groans against me.

Again my heart skips a beat at the my breathing speeds up his kisses continue downward. His hands gently gliding down my sides and stopping at my hips. I inhaled sharply as his hair brushed against my stomach, his hot breath hitting my core just seconds later. I struggle to get my voice out, my face was flushed and my skin felt like it was on couldn't would he...

"Oh...fuck..." I moan as his face burrows itself between my shaky thighs, his long tongue quickly making contact with my sensitive bud. I grip his hair tighter pulling it from the root as he eagerly pulls against me to devour my kitten.

His tongue seems to be magical making all my thoughts vanish as soon as he sucks my bud in between his teeth and laps his tongue over her. I moan and feel weak against him, his one hand holds my hip tightly as his other pushes two fingers into my tight entrance.

With the new sensation I feel my body growing weaker and weaker, he pumps his fingers in and out of me faster as he adds a third finger. I shutter against his working tongue pulling his hair and moaning loudly into the room as my juices flow out of me.

With no hesitation he licks and slurps me up before pulling away and rising to his feet. I pant and stumble back my legs hitting the plush bed. I let myself fall back and lay there for a moment "You taste so sweet"

My chest tightens at the voice once more, everything in me was screaming at me to speak up or to run even but my sexual desire and that devil on my shoulder keeps my legs put.

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