Part 2- prude? And new boys

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Part 2- prude? And new boys

"So who did you end up with? Girl...or guy?" I smirked over at Jimin. He had just gotten out of the shower, his towel hanging too low for my liking as droplets of water fell from his hair.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I rolled my eyes, he was always such a tease, he ran his fingers through his wet hair making sure to stare at me intensely.

I grabbed my phone and looked at it trying to hide the fact that he was making me blush. "How long has Jin been hosting these parties?"

I could hear him tsk as he turned towards his dresser and dug around for a shirt, I smiled looking at his back muscles. "Hmm this is the fourth one I've been to" he said pulling his towel from his waist and drying off his chest. I inhaled sharply and tried to focus on my phone again.

This was a typical Jimin move, he loved to flirt and drive me to my edge. It was some kind of game to him, to push me and see just how far I would let him go...sometimes it was too much. Sometimes I was willing to risk it all...he chuckled and I glanced back up at him.

Thankful he pulled his boxer briefs on and put on a shirt. But naturally he didn't stop there, he walked over to me and placed his hands on the bed trapping me in his embrace.

I leaned back a little and he only leaned in more "Your so cute when your flustered y/n" he slowly licked his lips and then looked at my parted ones. My heart sped up as his teasing smile formed on his stupidly cute face. I regained my confidence and grabbed his bulge making him hiss and jolt forward, his forehead resting against my shoulder "Your cute when your weak for me" i whispered against the shell of his ear, I smirked when I seen the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

"Now shall we go? The boys are waiting for us" I said pushing him aside and getting to my feet. I bit my lip as I heard him groan, fucking tease.

                         With the boys

"Jin when are you going to let me see your nudes collection?" I asked arching my brow I sipped my coffee with a smug look on my face. His ears turned red as the other two boys looked at him confused

"Yah! You said you'd keep that a secret" he shouted at me, I laughed and settled into my seat once more. "Wait...are they your nudes or like...nudes people have sent you?" Namjoon asks, I examine his face as he waits for Jin's answer. His expression was hard to read but he almost seemed...jealous? Interesting.

"Mine" Jin mumbled taking a bite of his food. Me and Jimin laughed as Namjoon's eyes widened a bit, he looked down at his plate trying to recover but I still saw the pink on his cheeks.

"Well I would have kept it a secret" I said sitting up and leaning on the table "But I just found out that you've been hosting these parties for a while now, so why was this my first huh?" The three boys laughed "Yah! Why are you laughing" I shout hitting Jimin and then Namjoon, seeing as they were closest to me.

"To be honest y/ we didn't think it was your thing..." again they laughed and I suddenly felt attacked "What? Why wouldn't it be my thing? I like sex"

Namjoon looked around and then hit my arm. "Lower your voice, I like it here. I don't want to get kicked out like we did at our last spot"

"RIP" we all say in unison. "But still what do you assholes mean by it's not my thing" Jimin smiles "Jagiah...your kind of a prude" I hated when he called me that 'jagiah' ugh "I am not!"

The other boys laugh again "You weren't saying that when we practically fucked in-" Jimin quickly covered my mouth as the other boys eyed us both. Jimin gave me a serious look as he cocked his head to the side. I glared at him and then at the other two boys.

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