Part 10- Failed plans

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Part 10- Failed plans

His words echo in my ears and I feel a knot in my stomach. "I'll tell you what..." I say with a shaky breath, his eyes sparkle at my words. "I'll make you a deal okay?" He squints his eyes slightly and takes a deep breath "What kind of a deal?"

"Jin is hosting another party next week correct?" He shifts, his eyes uneasy at the mention of the party. "We're both going to go...if you can find me" I say with a shy smile, I feel the butterflies in my stomach swirl at the thought of being with Jimin

"If you can find me..." I repeat my voice lower this time as I take his chubby cheeks into my hands "I'll be with you Jimin...I'll fight for us"

As the words leave my lips his face is already leaning in and his lips find their way into mine. I moan instantly and pull him even closer, his hands grip my ass as he thrusts up slightly making me gasp.

"Jimin" I say breathlessly, his smirk against my skin burns "I love the way you say my name"

I quickly push him back and jump to my feet, he looks at me confused and slightly disappointed. I lick my lips and smile slowly as I try to steady my breathing "We need rules"

He arches his brow as he gets to his feet. I step back and hold my hands up "The party isn't for a week, therefore we can't do any of this until then" he groans and whines like a baby.

I feel my head spin and my heart swell at the sight of the brat before-me. Why was he so cute? His pouty lips and his whiny voice was just too much for my heart to handle right now

"Trust me it will be for our own go" I pant excitement filling my eyes "It's still pouring outside, and it's really late can't I just sleep over tonight...I'll be gone before you wake up"

Why does he have to look at me with those eyes "I...I don't..." I try to get my words out but he's already hovering over my tiny frame. That same thrilling look in his eyes as he swiftly hoists me up around his waist. I squeal in excitement as he bites me neck and runs up the stairs towards my room.

"Jimin" I whine as he tosses me down on the bed. "I won't do anything...just cuddle" he purrs and he takes off his shirt. My eyes wonder down his rippling abs and fall into a trance as I slowly follow down that v line of his. "I mean unless you want to do other things..."

I close my eyes shut and shake my head no, 'you have to be strong tonight y/n we have to resist this devil...fuck' I mentally try to give myself a pep talk and then look up at his smug face.

"Fine you can stay BUT!" I shout standing on the bed so I'm now taller than him, I do my best to be intimidating but he's just smirking up at me, asshole. "No funny business, do you hear me Park Jimin!"

He chuckles and nods his head before attacking me down on the bed. This fucking on earth will I survive the night.

One week later...the night of the party

I had informed Namjoon and Jin on mine and Jimin's arrangements. They knew my plan and agreed to keep Jimin in the dark. Everything was simple, all he had to do was find me...but what if he didn't? My heart raced at the thought as I locked eyes with him.

Everyone was just about to place their blindfolds over their eyes and wonder to their designated spots. I had previously warned Jimin that if he cheated in our little game I'd know and that there would be no chance we'd give this a go. I wanted him to know that I was taking this seriously.

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