Part 9- Confessions

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Part 9- Confessions

It had been a week sense me and Jimin slept together. We hadn't spoken or seen each other much sense, I've even been avoiding Jin and Namjoon. I wasn't sure how to act anymore, that night should of never happened. It was suppose to be Yoongi...

I have no idea how Jimin ended up in the room with me...he had to have planned it right? And if that's true, why? Why did he do that? He knows how I feel about him...

We've come close to having sex about twenty times now but I've always been strong enough to hold back and say no. So it was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I didn't stop him...I knew it was him and yet I still let him in...and I enjoyed it.

Fuck did I enjoy it. It's all I can think about this week, at the store, on photo shoots, in confidence calls. He was all I could think about...I wish we had more time that night because I wasn't done with him yet.

I sighed slipping my clothes off and throwing on one of the many hoodies I have stolen from Jimin. I then grabbed some knee high socks and pulled them on, winter was fast approaching.

I shivered as I made my way downstairs and into my kitchen, I smiled at the bottle of wine I had popped open before I went to change.

I poured myself a glass and then glanced at my phone which had been going off for a while now. I raised my brow as I read the most recent text

'Open the door, I'm freezing out here'

I glanced out at the raindrops hitting my window and quickly ran over to my front door. "Yah! Are you that upset with me? I've been out here for ten minutes" I couldn't help but laugh a little as Jimin made his way into my house. I closed and locked the door "Sorry I left my phone downstairs while I went to change"

I helped him out of his wet jacket and he gulped when he turned to face me. I blushed as he looked over my body slowly, I chuckled a bit.

"That's some artwork you got there" I mumbled as I gently grabbed his chin and turned his head. His cheeks flushed as he looked down and stepped closer to me.

I felt my heart quicken it's beating as he lifted my own chin and admired his artwork on my neck. Despite it being a week old it was still very visible but make up did help.

Our eyes locked and I swear I felt all of the air inside me leave my lips, the room filled with intense lust driven looks as he slowly swiped that tongue of his across his lower lip.

I blinked a few times and put my head down, as soon as my eyes left his the air in my lungs refilled. I took a deep breath and headed towards the kitchen, mentally scolding myself for being so weak around him. I could hear him kicking off his shoes before quickly following me.

"Wine?" I asked already grabbing a second glass "Please" he breathed. I smiled and poured him a glass. I slid it over to him and grabbed my own glass before heading to my living room.

As I sat down I watched him closely, he set his wine down and went over to my hall closet to pull out my favorite lounging blanket out. He smiles over at me and gently placed it on my lap before turning back towards my fire place and messing with the settings to turn it on.

I wasn't sure why this all made me feel warm inside but it did. He cuddling in the blanket as he sat down on the opposite side of the couch and faced me. "So we are going to talk about what happened because I'm tired of you avoiding me"

I nervously bit my lower lip and looked down at the glass I still had in my hand. "Okay" I breathed before taking a big sip, he did the same and then we both looked at one another. "Go ahead, I know you have a million and one questions jagi"

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