Part 4- New masked stranger

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Part 4- New masked stranger

One week later

"Did you get one of these cryptic invitations to?" I asked as I opened my front door and seen the face I've been avoiding the past week.

"Indeed I did" Jimin smirked pushing past me "I'm thinking Jin Hyung took your and Yoongi's advise" I closed my door and walked towards the kitchen following Jimin's voice while looking over the invitation once more.

"Interesting...doesn't say we have to pay though. Should I still bring cash?" He laughed causing me to look up "I think your good babe" I nodded setting the suspicions card down and going back to my coffee. "So...were you busy this week? I barely talked to you"

I jumped up on the kitchen counter and nodded my head before taking another sip "Yeah I had a few shoots this week and one requires a ridiculous amount of hours when it came to editing" he gave me a soft smile "What about you?"

He jumped up and sat across from me "I had a few shoots as well but nothing to extravagant, I did get to keep a good amount of the clothes from one of my photo shoots though" I nodded watching him closely.

Jimin's real passion was dancing but he modeled for a living, that paid for the lavish lifestyle he enjoyed so much. Although he still taught dance a few times a week to kids, I've only seen him in action a handful of times. Mostly because my heart literally couldn't take seeing him be so adorable with the little kids. It made my ovaries act up and I wasn't ready for all that.

"So about this party" I blinked a few times coming back from my thoughts "What about it?" He smirked "Are you going to fuck around again?"

I laughed a little "Isn't that the whole point of the fucking party? I could relieve some stress so yes I hope I do find a bit of fun" his jaw clenched but he quickly recovered "Are you going to reveal yourself after you..."

I shrugged "It depends..." he nodded "Same here" he said before jumping down and positioning himself between my legs, I eyed him closely as his hands slowly grabbed at my bare thighs. He leaned forward and rested his head against my shoulder "What's up?" I asked but he didn't respond, instead he moved his face closer to my neck and nuzzled into me. Letting his hands glide up my thighs and wrapping them around my waist.

He seemed soft and exposed, I wrapped my arms around him as well and just held him. His breathing slowed as he held me closer to him, my body tingled when his lips brushed against my neck.

"Jimin" I breathed, he hummed in response as I slid my fingers up and down his back slowly. "What's going on" I asked a bit unsteady, he lifted his head and I moved back slightly. His face was so close to mine, his eyes searching mine as we both held our breaths for what seemed like forever. "Y/n I..."

As I anxiously waited for his next few words his phone rang and we both quickly pulled apart.

Both startled by the loud ringtone and both way to flustered from both our actions. He quickly answered as I jumped down from the counter and made my way to my room.

My heart was racing way too fast and I felt light headed, closing the door behind me I took a deep breath and tried to collect myself.


The rest of the day was weird, my head was clouded with unclear thoughts. But it was now night and I had to get rid of all that because it was just about time for Jin's famous party. I could really use a good distraction right about now.

I was feeling a bit confident and decided to pull out a dress I hadn't yet worn, it was a burn orange color that had a very low back.

(Your outfit for the party)

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