Part 3- Plans and Confessions

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Part 3- Plans and Confessions

I sipped my wine as I watched a few boys stuff their faces with the last bit of food. The night was going smoother than I had expected, I hadn't once made a fool of myself thank god. I did however pick up on some tension between my two besties Seokjin and Namjoon, I eyed the two occasionally.

They seemed to be sharing unknown glances at each other every so often and Namjoon seemed to get into a mood when Jin was giving more attention to a few other boys that evening. I'd have to discuss things with my joon later.

"So when will you be hosting the next party" I felt my heart skip a beat, I needed another invite to this party. "Yah you horny assholes why don't you go out and meet people or go on one of those fuck apps"

A few of us laughed "Hyung your parties are so much more fun" Jimin said as we all nodded in agreement "It's the thrill of the unknown that gets us all, have you ever considered charging people? Or inviting new people? You can totally make this a side business" Yoongi said eyeing me and taking another sip of his wine.

I blushed, from his and Taehyung's intense stares all night and Hoseok's gentle touches on my thigh. I was this close to losing it. "Leave it to Min Yoongi to take something fun and turn it into making a profit" Jimin said rolling his eyes, he was definitely tipsy.

His cheeks were flush and he was overly giggly, his sass was also showing. "He makes a good point though" I add and a few heads turn towards me, I lock eyes with Yoongi's smug face.

"You think?" Jin added genuinely thinking about it. "Sure, do you know how many people would pay to have anonymous meaningless sex. Especially with all the cheating bastards you work with Jin" he smirked and a few laughed.

"Do what you want with it just don't charge us Hyung" Jungkook said popping open another bottle of wine and filling my glass. He winked at me and then poured himself some more.

I watched him closely examining his hands, they were definitely large and his height was definitely around the size of my mystery lover maybe a tad taller....maybe. I bit my lip as we locked eyes, his voice could pass as the moaning man of my dreams but something was telling me he wasn't the one...

"I'll think about it" Jin said pulling me from my daze "But I'm definitely charging all you assholes double except for my beautiful y/n" I blew him a kiss and he winked.

I could feel Hoseok's hand on my thigh again, he seemed extra handsy once he finished his third glass of wine. But he also became extra quiet after that glass as well. His hands were sexy but definitely smaller than my mystery lover plus his voice was far from the low growls that were etched into my brain. Regardless of him not being the one I definitely wouldn't mind getting to know him more.

"He's not a big drinker"

I glance over at the deep voice and smiled "I had a feeling" his intense eyes soften as he licks his lips, I look at his neck and remember kissing and biting the mystery man there making him weak.

I wish I would have left a mark it would have made things easier, although there were more people at that party. Maybe my mystery man wasn't here tonight.

"...And he's out, someone help me carry him upstairs. He can crash in one of the guest rooms" Jin said, I broke my eye contact with Taehyung and looked next to me. A passed out Hoseok was being lifted by Jin and Jungkook.

"You ready y/n?" I nodded and smiled up at Namjoon "You good to drive?" I asked getting to my feet.

I loved that even in my heels I was still shorter than every boy in this room "Yeah I didn't drink anything tonight" he sighed, I wrapped my arm around his torso and he wrapped his arm around me "See you guys" he said leading me away from the table "Nice meeting you all" I said looking back and locking eyes with the remaining few.

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