Super Adventure Duo

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Like if the new She-Ra shorts (which I didn't know existed until like two days ago RIP) have convinced me of anything it's that Seahawk and Swift Wind are basically the same person. Except one's a horse.

Don't believe me?

Watch this and tell me this isn't literally how Seahawk acts on a daily basis

(Also Light Hope has a spider kink now I guess??)

So now I really want a Swift Wind/Seahawk team-up where they fly around and sing sea shanties together or something. Like maybe just have, like, half an episode or maybe a short where they're just being themselves and going on random adventures? Like in one of these shorts Swift Wind arm-wrestles so can I see an arm-wrestling match between them or something?They'd be the ultimate chaos team and call themselves the "Super Adventure Duo" or something because all groups in She-Ra need to have nicknames apparently

Make it happen Noelle!

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