1. Becoming friends

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I run trough our schools hallway and poke peter parker on his shoulder. He turns around. "Oh hey, Addison." "Hey peter, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and start on the history project, That we have to finish by Friday." He frowns "right, by Friday. Yes. We should get started on that. Do you wanna come to my place after school?" He asks. I nod, "yeah sounds good. What time are you off?" "Uhm I have to go to 2 more classes, after that we can meet at my place." I nod again. "Okay, see you then." He puts his hand in the air as a goodbye, I turn around and walk out of school. Where I see my boyfriend Justin waiting for me. "Hi" he kisses me. "Hey, you free, wanna go for pizza?" "Mm, sounds great, but I have to go home. Still have to finish that history project with peter. I told you about that right?" He nods. "I can ride you home though." He offers. "Yeah that would be nice. Thanks." I jump on the back of his motorcycle and he rides me home.

I enter the big compound that I call home and go all the way to the top, where I live with my father. Tony Stark. I open a big door and enter the living room. Where I see my father on his laptop on the couch. "Hi, dad" he snaps out of his thoughts and looks back at me. "Hey princess, I didn't hear you come in." I laugh "I know. I am sneaky, you taught me well." I can see him smirk. And then I turn serious. "Have you got the political issue handled?" I ask. "No, I am sorry princess. I think we're just going to have to sign the damn contract." He sighs. "Well shit." "You will sign though right?" My father asks worriedly. "If you sign then of course I will too." "Good" he answers relieved. 
"But I'm going to a schoolmate to do some history project." "Okay, I'll call you if I need you." "Yeah thats good." I walk off to my room and throw my books on the floor to grab my history books and put them in my bag and then I grab all my notes and my IPad and put those in my bag too. I look at the time on my phone and text Peter if he can send me his address. Within 5 minutes I get a response and see where it is. I grab my bag and suit up so I can just go flying and open my window. "Dad I'm leaving." I scream. "Okay, be safe." I hear and then jump out off my window and fly off to peters neighborhood. I land in a small alley and put my normal clothes on with super-speed. I changed in 2 seconds and walk out on the street to a small cafe on the corner. I order a coffee and sit down at a table, I drink my coffee and when I know for sure that Peter is home I walk out on the street and off to his apartment.

I enter an apartment complex and take the elevator to peters' apartment. I knock on the door and a women opens it. I smile. As does she. "Hi, you must be Addison." I shake her hand "yes thats me." "I am May, Peters aunt. Come in!" I enter the apartment and look around when peter enters their living room. "Oh hey, you're already here." I smile. "Yeah, let's get this started." He leads me to his room where we start to work on the project. It's about the second world war. I love that subject.
We have finished the project and we are now sitting on the couch watching tv and just talking and getting to know each other. Peter is actually really cool, funny and smart. And yes I have a boyfriend, but I can still say that peter is kinda cute. "You wanna stay over for dinner?" Peter asks me. "Yeah sure, let me call my dad to let him know." "Yeah go ahead." I call my father and he pics up immediately."Hey, sweatheart." "Hey dad, is it okay if I stay over for dinner at my friends house?" I ask. "Yeah, Just make sure that you're home by ten." I nod and then realize he can't see. "Yes, I will. Thanks, bye." I hang up on him and give peter a smile. "I can stay till ten." I tell him. "Nice." We ate Chinese food and talked till ten and then I had to go home. "I have to go now, I'm sorry." I say when I check the time and see its 9.55 p.m. "oh right, yeah." "Should I give you a ride home, it's quite scary out there in the dark at this time." May suggests. "O no, I'm good, I already ordered an Uber like 10 minutes ago." I lie. "Well, thanks Peter for this fun day, I really enjoyed talking to you." I give him a hug. "Yeah, same here." He says. I break the hug, say bye and walk out the door. Back to the alley, I suite up in 2 seconds again and fly off. I really enjoy flying above the streets at night. With all the lights. It's beautiful.
I fly back into my window and find my dad in his office. "Hey princess, tomorrow we're gonna have to sign the contract." I sigh. "Okay, well I'm going to bed now." I say and kiss my father on his cheek. "Goodnight." He says. "Goodnight."

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